@Philadelphia Flyers

Agreed: Why is Chuck still here?

Agreed: Why is Chuck still here?

by Flyers2817


  1. PanjoKazooie

    Trade deadline scapegoat so we can bring in Briere who has… run a comcast owned echl team and mentored with this management group. lol

  2. madhatta42

    Didn’t even answer the question…just a summary of Fletcher tenure here…

    Why is Fletcher still here? Why can’t this organization figure out the cap era? Why can’t they find competent people in positions to do a rebuild and actually make a competitive team? WHY ARE FLETCHER AND SCOTT STILL EMPLOYED? Why hasn’t Fletcher addressed the media about anything? Why has Scott?

    The Phillies, Sixers, and Eagles are all exciting and have built great teams. Hell even the Union are competing at a high level. The Flyers are simply an afterthought in this city because of years of mismanagement and apathy. Any of the other Philly franchises would have blown everything up by now. This team sucks, and it’s not going to get any better with the people currently in charge.

    Bedard? Forget it. Not happening since this franchise believes that this is apparently a good hockey team.

  3. SpauldingSmails18

    Flyers tickets have never been more abundant and cheap

  4. TwoForHawat

    Chuck Fletcher absolutely deserves to be fired. At this point, that goes without saying.

    Why is Chuck still here right now? I’m assuming the answer is, at least partially, because it’s much more rare to fire a GM midseason than it is to fire a coach midseason. If you want to bring in a better GM, your options are going to be much, much better in the spring than they are in February. Picking from the bottom of the barrel is part of the reason we wound up with Fletcher in the first place.

    If the organization’s plan is to get rid of Chuck in April and search for a high quality replacement outside the organization, then I can see why they haven’t fired him. He’s got to navigate the trade deadline between now and April, but that’s about it. And given how few tradeable assets we have (JVR and Braun, not much else), I don’t think there’s a huge difference between the return Chuck will get and the return a much better GM would get. Letting him operate the trade deadline is relatively low risk, as long as he’s been given a message that ownership will not let him trade high draft picks or prospects.

    Now, if Comcast has already decided that Briere is going to be the heir to the throne, they might as well get it over with immediately. But personally, I’m hesitant to get excited about a guy whose GM training came under the supervision of Clarke and Holmgren, so I’m hoping they’re not defaulting to Briere just yet. We desperately need a fresh perspective and the best way to do that is by hiring the top GM talent that will be available in April, whoever that might be.

  5. Effingcheese

    It’s bad when Torts is calling it bad.

  6. DanTreview

    Guys guys guys you’re just being impatient! We’re in the middle of an aggressive retool! It’s aggressive! That means “more better”!

  7. Fig_Newton_

    Because firing him means giving up on the season and in turn drops in attendance/merchandising/season ticket renewals. These aren’t problems when the owner prioritizes winning but they are when the owner is a soul-less legal entity which prioritizes profit.

  8. muchmorecowbell

    Since Chuck hasn’t been replaced with Briere yet it’s making me wonder if the powers that be plan on using the outside consultant method again since it worked with the coaching search. 
    Maybe someone has figured out that they need a veteran, talented GM to get them out of this mess and that those aren’t available until after the season…. maybe….

  9. TrustTheProcess76_

    We’re never gonna be anything of a serious team until we get an actual owner who cares about anything other than profits. We’re ran by a group of individuals right now who seem to think being the 12th seed with no future direction is a good thing. As long as they see plus signs at the end of the year they won’t care. It’s why Fletch is still here. We’re a pathetic poverty franchise at this point.

  10. dirtshow

    He and the Flyers are the embodiment of the NHL. An insular, old school boys club.

  11. That is what ownership fails to see ,not firing him and saying the naughty rebuild word. I dont know how they can let him make decisions on a somewhat important deadline if they get serious offers for players that aren’t expiring UFAs. I will gladly watch losing hockey if they admit they need a rebuild and fire this bum and if there is a plan and somewhat competent GM in charge. I won’t watch more years of maybe in, maybe out trade for Risto that is a speed bump team for real contenders.

  12. Steppyjim

    Because Dave Scott saw his shadow, and now we have six more weeks of darkness before he fires him

  13. Longjumping-Ad-1417

    Clarke just doesn’t wanna see another flyers team win a cup. Till he’s dead the flyers are dead 💀

  14. Snips_Tano

    I want Fletcher gone but really, you think anything will really change?

    Our young guys are nice, but none have star potential. We’re relying on the corpses of Coots and Ellis and Atkinson next year. We have NOTHING in the minors with star potential. We have no shot at drafting anyone with star potential.

    We just wasted a decade of very good players like Simmonds, Jake, etc. and a top star in G. Nothing gives me hope we won’t waste what could be a top star in Hart but isn’t yet.

    Grooming Briere gives me no confidence. He learned at the feet of Fletcher and clarke and Holmgren. That’s not like with the Phillies where “GM” Sam Fuld is some young learning guy but in reality the guy above him is the real GM who has a track record of success. The guys above a Briere are the same idiots who got us into this mess.

  15. LarryFineMD

    While Tarasenko who’s been dealing with shoulder injuries for at least 4 years now, gets traded, Fletcher has done NOTHING.

  16. RepresentativeAir735

    Because there is no owner. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SELL OUR TEAM

  17. WooderFountain

    Fwiw, Chuck is currently the 15th most tenured GM in the NHL.

  18. Chuck won’t be fired. He’ll resign as GM and fail upwards with a nice executive position because that’s what country clubs do with their old boys

  19. Only-Nature7410

    Pictures. He has pictures Comcast executives and Clarke and the old boys club. It is the only way.

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