@Washington Capitals

Stanley Caps | Tom Wilson

Stanley Caps | Follow Tom Wilson around behind-the-scenes as he tours Toronto with his crew and his new best friend, Lord Stanley. #ALLCAPS


  1. T.Wilson was a big reason the Caps won the Cup. Solid player. Wish he was a Leaf. Good stuff Tom.

  2. Definitely glad he is on our team, the CAPS! Would hate to have him barreling at us. He's a beast, excellent on the PK, and also underrated scorer. Improving each year he's been in the NHL!

  3. You are the biggest pussy Tom. I bet I could beat your ass you sorry piece of shit. Let's sign some waivers and hand you your ass.

  4. A disgusting player …. Toronto doesn't want you. We are ashamed with your hit to kill play … beer leaguer at best the NHL has to get rid of this goon.

  5. I hope Wilson is suspended for the season, Ovi gets a career ending injury, Holtby dies and the Caps finish last in the Division.

  6. Tom wilson is a player who shouldn't be allowed to play in the NHL. Mainly his intent when hes on the ice is to injure other players.

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