@Toronto Maple Leafs

Game #53. Toronto 3 Columbus 0

Game #53. Toronto 3 Columbus 0

by BrianBeLeafs


  1. BrianBeLeafs

    Sorry to the mods if I posted this more than once..I was having difficulties posting this morning.



  2. EverydayTiara

    He’s got my vote ! Brian you’re amazing hahaha

  3. yeldarb6

    I’m voting for J. Hockey himself for my mayor.

  4. BCharmer

    Oh yeah, Vote 1 for you and Johnny Toronto.

  5. What an excellent comic capitalizing on the current thing 🙂

  6. vanityfear

    All hail the mayortron. Kombucha for all!

  7. TheGreatJatsby

    The only thing JT cheats on is the defences ability to read his mind

  8. Borosthespider

    I honestly thought it would’ve been Sammy putting a cork in the cannon. Lol

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