@St. Louis Blues

91 Beer Salute to Vladi

Birthday party tonight and we’re drinking to one of the greatest Blues players of all time.

by CoconutBangerzBaller


  1. PossessionCritical69

    Shame it’s bud light, but I think you have drink them all for it to be a proper send off.

  2. Skill_Deficiency

    Is that a wasp nest in the corner? Might want to take care of that.

  3. reenactment

    You going to smoke 91 blunts for 420 Blais it?

  4. Now you must drink them all in 91 minutes, it’s the only honorable thing to do.

  5. Ashiokisbea

    Ii dont think that 91 beers could make me feel better about his departure. I’ll miss the tarsekshow.

  6. Fisch_Man

    I’ll come help you drink them. We can watch highlights of his career.

  7. Brad_Clitt

    RIP In Peace, Sweet Prince. Long live the Snipeshow.

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