@Montreal Canadiens

Beginning of the Drake era…

Beginning of the Drake era…

by lilbawty


  1. BigCartiFan

    He got tired of the constant Toronto disappointment

  2. Fuuuuuuck drake.

    All my homies hate drake.


  3. imtoocoldforthisshit

    But his entire personality is Toronto?

    And besides our teams average age is like 23. That’s way too old for him.

  4. Numerous_Mountain792

    I see lots of hate. Am I the only one that thinks this is fucking sick? Like I don’t even gaf if he’s a bandwagonr going from toronto to any team, this can only be good for habs hockey, free publicity and increases interest around our team…sounds like a W tbh.

  5. SnooDogs9048

    “Started from the bottom and now..”

  6. Bytrsweet

    He jumps on the bandwagon of a team that has the colour he feels like wearing that day. If I saw Beiber wearing a Habs jersey it would be another thing

  7. Self_Tilted

    Massive, with the Drake curse our push for Bedard will strengthen in the second half off the season.

  8. RSlashLazy


  9. Visual-Ad-3503

    I just shat and vomited at the same time. Lets stick with Viggo pls

  10. DivinePotatoe

    Look I know our development of rookies kinda sucks but that don’t mean we need groomers.

  11. KaneDewey

    I thought he would be more of a Laval Rocket fans since he like minors so much

  12. Snow-Wraith

    Remember kids, it’s ok to be a pedo if you’re really popular and people over look it.

  13. SnooPeripherals6568

    Leafs fans everywhere rejoicing rn

  14. Whataboutabeer

    Sometimes I forget this sub is still reddit and people think hating something popular is a personality. Y’all need hobbies and perspective.

  15. RedLieutnant_61

    he would just be a bad singer if he weared a Maple Leafs jersey ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

  16. GuyTheFlower

    Can we end the Aubrey Graham era yet?


  17. longlikekingkong82

    21 can you ghoul something for me !

    Slap shot,bar down for me homie 😤

  18. BigCartiFan

    Skatin through this album like a montreal canadien

  19. freezier134a

    Could care less about anything this guy does.

  20. xen0m0rpheus

    Can we send this groomer back to Toronto? Gotta keep the Montreal children safe.

  21. kerryd88

    Who’s Drake? All I see is James “Jimmy” Brooks, 2007 alumni. 🤷🏽‍♂️

  22. 0Microbia0

    Drake the type of guy to slap his own ass during sex

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