@National Hockey League

Little Girl With Hockey Skills

Little Girl With Hockey Skills

by CrisperKoleslaw


  1. At one point, she looked like she was going to fall.

    Amazing balance for someone so young. Love it!

  2. HankScorpio42

    I love how happy she is and that’s really what it’s all about.

  3. arashinoko

    Damn sheโ€™s got serious balance and coordination.

  4. Capitulation_Trader

    My daughter plays high school Hockey. Love this

  5. bigdadE420

    Was hoping she would fall so someone could edit a Tom Wilson hit in there. Great skill though.

  6. miztermustang44

    Way to keep that head up and looking forward!

  7. daft_punked

    I knew the canadian immigration law is tough, but damn….

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