@Philadelphia Flyers

My mom’s boyfriend gifted me some records. His dad was a DJ way back in the day. Came across this gem, and God Bless America is on it! Go Flys!

My mom’s boyfriend gifted me some records. His dad was a DJ way back in the day. Came across this gem, and God Bless America is on it! Go Flys!

by cjmaguire17


  1. NSOS_throwaway

    Have they brought her back yet? Still ticks me off they buried her

  2. UnloosedMoose

    It’s better than album, “at her worst”.

  3. Steppyjim

    I was never a big fan of Kate Smiths anthem. I much preferred Lauren hart as she was the sound of my childhood and like many boys who were crazed flyers fans in the 2000s I had a huge crush on her. I really don’t care about her statue being removed or whatever, I understand the hot button issue behind it and honestly, I get why it was removed and why it had to be.

    But this is still a cool piece of history for the team and it’s fans, especially those who formed the bond to Smiths voice as I did Harts. It’s hard to separate art from the artist, and as times change things that were once culturally acceptable or enjoyed just aren’t anymore; and we need to move on. But for people that still want to remember those small, specific moments that brought them happy memories, this is pretty cool to see. Plus I’m a sucker for old vinyl.

  4. lindy21588

    I love the Flyers. That’s my team. I bought tickets last night on StubHub to take my kids to todays game for the ultimate Philly sports day. Go Birds. The Flyers really bungled the whole Kate Smith situation. There was nothing better than hearing God Bless America before a big game. I consider myself a reasonably liberal person, but I can’t make sense of getting rid of Kate Smith while blasting Cardi B or Snoop Dogg between stoppages. I love Snoop, I was blasting Doggy Dog World last night, but if you tell me that his lyrics, or Cardi B, who raps about her WAP is ok at a family event, but Kate Smith isn’t, I don’t understand. I know several season ticket holders who canceled their tickets over the Kate Smith issue. My uncles got rid of them, they say when the Flyers went woke. I roll my eyes every time they say it, but I agree with the Kate Smith issue. Go Birds.

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