@Winnipeg Jets

[Andrew Ladd] Somehow got this guy on skates again …

[Andrew Ladd] Somehow got this guy on skates again …

by carsonbiz


  1. Big Buff trade deadline rumour confirmed.

    Edit: sauce: “It’s OK. Big Buff has been working out and skating since October. All according to his and Cevy’s plan. He is currently in the best shape of his life having eaten nothing but Elk and Walleye for the past 2.5 years. That and lifting tractor tires with his pinky fingers. This winter, he single handedly, and I mean SINGLE handedly, pull a F350 out of a pressure ridge while ice fishing on Lake Winnipeg. The Jets are ready to reveal him thr day before deadline day, where he will sign a one year deal for a dollar and leave the Jets the money and time needed to make some last minute adds.” – u/mine-shaft-gap

  2. AaronC14

    That settles it.

    Trade deadline’s over, we got our guy.

  3. usernametakenahhhh

    Imagine stepping on the ice for your beer league game then you see buff of the opposite team.


    Holy shit guys, he’s making a comeback for the Jets PLAYOFFS!!!

  5. Imthecoolestdudeever

    He looks happy. What a good dude.

  6. ThatSpecialAgent

    Its crazy the amount of ex-pros we have at our morning skates in Scottsdale lol glad he looks so happy

  7. PegCityMedic85

    Good to see he held on to his Heritage Classic gloves.

  8. beefaroniii

    I love this man with every fibre of my being

  9. Anonmonyus

    Man I miss that guy so much. Nothing beats the Nashville series where he’s holding 2 Nashville players at once.

  10. AuxNimbus

    “Hey Andrew, bring a friend”

    *Buffs shows up*

    “Why Buff of all people”

  11. fdisfragameosoldiers

    Anyone else got a fuckin hard on right now?!?! I know it won’t happen but a guy can dream

  12. GreyStoneWpg22

    Imagine showing up to a beer league game and just throwing on some of your gear from the NHL.

  13. milkisforbabies666

    Wish he would do an interview, wonder if he knows how much everyone actually loves him here.

  14. EnvironmentalCoat222

    Not religious at all, but I pray one day Buff comes back to the arena to get the massive ovation and proper sendoff he deserves for all he did on the ice for his fans.

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