@Arizona Coyotes

Zack MacEwen And Zack Kassian Drop The Gloves And Kassian Hits The Ice HARD

Kassian left laying on the ice after he and MacEwen drop the gloves as Kassian hits his head on the ice while they both went down.



  1. Seemed like he was the one instigating a fight. Got what was coming to him. If your the Vancouver player there give him one more shot while hes laying on the ice.

  2. That's way you don't fight a canucks player you get knocked the f out and it really made Edmonton rethink trying to bully canucks after that lol

  3. MacEwen went straight for the helmet strap at the beginning of the fight. Real class.

  4. No one has failed to mention at the start of the fight the Van player grabbed Kassian helmet chin strap by his ear. Dirty play in my mine.

  5. Stop feeling bad for him, if you enjoy fighting in hockey. Don't be a hypocrite and pretend you care. Fighting in hockey is lame, and fighting in the pre season is moronic.

  6. Two big guys throwing bunches trying to knock each other out , crowd cheering and one slips, hits his head and it goes all quiet. Just seems odd.

  7. Honestly kind of a shitty look on his part to rip his helmet off when he dosent have a visor but I'm sure Kassian knew what he was getting into hope we get to see round two

  8. Not much of a Kassian fan but that was a nasty fall, hope it's nothing serious.

  9. Good tilt.. Sometimes this happens.. Kassian wont goon canucks anymore thats for sure..

  10. Honestly, it looked more like Kassian simply lost balance as MacEwen switched hands. He stopped throwing the second he knew Kassian's head contacted the ice, and clearly wanted to stick around to see if he was gonna get up on his own. Can't call this anyone's fault directly, just a risk they take when they drop the gloves.

  11. That’s for all the boarding bet he won’t start a fight again lol

  12. The most moronic part of any sport. In what other sport is this a 'normal'? Only in hockey. Fucking ridiculous. If I wanna see boxing, I can go and watch that. Why is this STILL a part of hockey?

  13. Glad he got up and skated away. Hopefully the NHL doesn’t use this as an excuse to take away fighting. If so I will watch a different league

  14. The officials don't step in when a player loses their helmet. Or if they do it depends who's fighting who and what city the game is being held in. And ohhh the Oiler fans are so hyped and wild while the fight is happening, but when it looked "serious" their faces are terrified. Bet if it was McEwen laying there motionless they'd be cheering….at least until their conscience hit them.

  15. Yeah MacEwan is gonna have to fight again… Let's hope he doesn't get shit on like that cuz people are going to be real upset about fights

  16. They need to implement a new rule for for fighting that they're not allowed to pull the helmet off

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