@Chicago Blackhawks

018- Miracle Molecule?- How a Little Known Carbon Isotope is Improving Energy, Reducing…

Ian Mitchell runs a small lab in rural Oklahoma with major implications. Over the last 7 years Ian has been extensively researching a carbon isotope called C60. In that research Ian has found some wide ranging implications including super-charging mitochondria, reduction in inflammation, detox benefits and some amazing effects on rheumatoid arthritis and even a way to augment cancer treatment!

Time Stamps

What is happening in the human body when we take carbon 60? [0:00] He opens up about the ethicacy of his joint supplement. [2:35] How would this work for someone looking to ultimately achieve an exercise response? [6:48] How did his company achieve their patent? [12:17] Are there certain internal prerequisites that need to exist for the carbon 60 to really have its effect? [16:56] Has he seen any negative implications for C60 maybe accelerating cancer grow if someone is on a standard American diet? [19:05] What exactly is ‘carbon 60’ and where did it come from? [21:08] What negative effects does blue light have on our body while taking C60? [22:38] What else are they working on in the realm of carbon 60? [25:35] Are there positive implications combining carbon 60 and cannabis? [27:00] Is there a law of diminishing return with how much C60 you consume? [28:20] Does he plan on taking this every day for the rest of his life? [30:10] The value of quality of life. [32:15] Does he have any ongoing studies with carbon 60? [33:50] What types of cancers has he seen the greatest effect with? [35:03] How is he tying this in to improve brain function? [38:50] Featured Guest

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  1. Buyer beware on his guy who is pushing his product. How dare he say the carbon sphere found in nature paired with a natural diet is inferior to the product he’s selling? Many will patent things & profit on this incredible molecule but don’t be fooled by the greedy ones undermining confidence in the pristine C50 molecule so they can profiteer.

  2. Just to be clear, Ian Mitchell, are you saying that if you have cancer, straight C60 will make it grow if you take it long term?

  3. We love what you do thank you , fighting for life and would love to share your love , smiles oh do you of R S O ?

  4. I am thinking that perhaps ordinary or activated charcoal has a similar effect. No doubt there is a fair amount of c60 formed in the pyrolysis process anyway.

  5. You mentioned at the end about aperiod of detox effects. How long did the detox symptoms last for and what were they??

  6. Would C60 offset the negative side effects of the dangerous Corona Virus vaccines that are going to be pushed on people?

  7. Could carbon 60 potentially counteract mRNA vaccines damaging and life altering side effects? That's what led me here.

  8. C60 allows me to run without knee pain. I stopped taking it while waiting for a new bottle. Joint pain returned while running. Now I take daily and can run without pain. Works Great!!!

  9. Why not take a minute to turn on your video recorders and just film this? 🙄

  10. I tried it for several months. Might have noticed some energy increase, nothing else. Also they have virtually no human studies which suggests to me it’s snake oil

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