@Vancouver Canucks

Kuzy crushing his rookie duties at Dice & Ice

Kuzy crushing his rookie duties at Dice & Ice

by truestlife


  1. Jazzlike_Kick_5434

    Is this the mysterious “conditioning program” he had to leave practice for?

    If so I approve.

  2. Over the years I knew about this event through our two different radio stations and I always thought it was the “Dyson Ice” event they way they said it.
    Which explains why there is no other Dyson vacuum ads in the arena or on radio.

  3. WhereOhWerewolves

    Anyone else find this weird? Like super weird? Imagine if it were a women’s hockey team and their rookies had to do this for a suit and tie fancy charity event? Remember when they just had to sing with Sarah McLachlan? Am I the only one who thinks this is moronic at best?

  4. CamaroGirl96

    I don’t know what I was expecting when I read the title before the video started. But it definitely wasn’t that. 😂😂😂

  5. Comfortable_Grass588

    This is extremely cringe holy shit

  6. Knight_On_Fire

    Now, again, I must unlearn what I have learned.

  7. hangoverpho

    This is fuckin hilarious.. his hair bouncing lol

  8. DickheadPrime

    Some of you guys really need to get your head checked. This is a league that lets players skip wearing a fucking pride jersey if they want. You really think these players were not given a choice or exploited? Fuck, it’s not even remotely sexual in nature. If anyone had a problem with it they wouldn’t have done it. Case closed. If players didn’t want to do it they could have come up with a million other silly things to do instead. They did this because nobody has any issues with it. The fact that some of you are reaching and trying to reverse the genders is just weird.

    I know personally, this seems 10x easier and more enjoyable to do than singing karaoke or doing some silly dance number. Looks like the players agreed with that as well, particularly Kuz going off his reaction.

  9. goodbye9hello10

    What the fuck am I even watching? This is super fucking lame and totally on par with a team owned by Aquaman…

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