@Tampa Bay Lightning

Vasy and his mother looking deeply unimpressed with the Conn Smythe Trophy…Happy Birthday to the Big Cat’s Mom!

Vasy and his mother looking deeply unimpressed with the Conn Smythe Trophy…Happy Birthday to the Big Cat’s Mom!

by bad_wolff


  1. PipeInternational646

    That face is the epitomy of Russian exuberance.

  2. lorilightning79

    When I spent time in Russia I can honestly say I never saw a Russian smile. Typical.

  3. NatsGnats

    To quote one of my good friends: it’s the “Russian Indifference”

  4. eye_no_nuttin

    I do not like the title, but Happy Birthday Big Cat’s M💙M!!

  5. Etheryelle

    My great grandparents were Russian (born circa 1870); my great grandmother immigrated here (great grandfather was supposedly killed), my grandmother on that side was born there, also immigrated here.

    Great grandmother never spoke a word of English and I never saw her smile. My few memories of her are vague and while I do remember her small house and giving me 50cent pieces and smiling, I don’t remember much else. Also remember her funeral in the Russian Orthodox Church. All the incense and blue smoke.

    My grandmother on that side was attentive and loving to me but apparently, my mother never saw her smile.

    It’s a Russian thing. BTW, I smile a lot. And laugh. And used to speak fluent Russian.

    #ThanksDad <3

  6. ThrowawayTampa55

    Throwaway for obvious reasons.

    I’m friends with ‘some people’ that get us family passes to TBL games.

    (For the record they’re awesome and you get to eat/drink/hang before and after a game (depending) with the players and their family…

    …all of whom are awesome)

    Without elaborating too much.

    I watched his mom one day after a win. grab his cheeks, and then look at his then fiancé and tell her that she wasn’t feeding him enough.

  7. qawsedrf12

    genetically impossible for Russians to smile?

  8. BMack037

    I never smile if I can help it. Showing one’s teeth is a submission signal in primates. Someone smiles at me, all I see is a chimpanzee begging for its life.

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