@New Jersey Devils

Just stopping by to sprinkle some happiness into the doom i keep hearing about

Just stopping by to sprinkle some happiness into the doom i keep hearing about

by youres0lastsummer


  1. MrMooMoo91

    Yea they obviously are getting Ws, but anyone pretending there hasn’t been a steep drop in the teams quality of play and how they are getting wins is doing themselves a disservice. Teams have adjusted, and the Devils look like the slower team most nights now.

  2. rlxdengineer

    You should add December in. Yea it was a poor month but we were close to .5 hockey

  3. LaHondaSkyline

    OMG lost two of the last three!!!! Its over.

  4. DavidPuddy666

    Unfortunately seeing a pattern with Blackwood’s starts 🙁

  5. Gally341

    Blackwood is reminding me of Cory’s rough run — playing well enough to earn the W but the team just isn’t getting it done on those nights.

    How do you spell relief?

  6. MedicSBK

    Liking the 2:1 goalie ratio. That’s perfect.

  7. Sauronsindexfinger

    What doom? I don’t hear doom? I hear concerned fans who want to see the team firing on all cylinders going into the playoffs. The WHOLE team not just two lines.

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