@Washington Capitals

Post Game Thread: Washington Capitals at Carolina Hurricanes – 18 Feb 2023

Capitals lose: 1 – 4


by HockeyMod


  1. Goose_Bat

    Time to trade some guys and reload. Not our year.

  2. mrfuzzyshorts

    Well that ended worse that I was anticipating.

  3. mark_dink

    some notes:

    Sunday against san jose: 1 goal on 21 shots
    Tuesday against carolina: 2 goals on 36 shots
    Thursday against florida: 3 goals on 32 shots
    tonight against carolina: 1 goal on 25 shots

    offense is struggling to put it gently. i dont want to hear any kuemper slander here

  4. BigTuna99999

    Team needs to get younger and faster simple as that , also there’s a big chance to retool the defense because everyone not named Carlson is a RFA/UFA

  5. ilovearthistory

    i’ve been really out of the loop and not invested in hockey this season and i’m trying to get back in but they’re not helping by playing like poo poo

  6. InfallibleBackstairs

    Fuck Mantha. Fuck Lavi. Fuck Blaine.


    Really curled the monkeys paw beating Boston at home

  8. Nervous-Occasion

    73 saves on 77 shots for Kuemper. He’s the reason they weren’t in double-digits.

  9. Tarledsa

    As much as I hate it, ESPN/ABC couldn’t even get the storm surge filmed. Nothing was good about this game.

  10. ahittmair

    There we are. If it wasn’t obvious these last two weeks (It was). Shut it down. This year is a writeoffz get what you can for players who shouldn’t be here or don’t wont to be here and give yourself a chance to go again next year

  11. Playful_Leopard_9034

    Gotta admit I watched through the game and expected way more attacking attempts from the caps. Disappointing, but at least they managed to get one in.

  12. beardyman22

    That was absolutely pitiful. I’m grateful that Kuemper showed up when no one else did.

  13. bigehokie

    This team has no identity right now.

    We’re not fast.
    We’re not skilled.
    We’re not heavy.
    We’re not tough.
    We have no power play.
    PK is ok?

    Wtf are we? For an older team that isn’t incredibly fast, I’d expect us to be a bit more heavy, a bit more tough, but we look soft as shit out there right now.

  14. kroganwarlord

    Welp, no one can say I decided to get interested in my home team just because they were popular and doing well.

    (I actually started googling the Caps and the very first result was Ovi leaving because it literally happened, like four hours before.)

  15. BunkDruckeyes

    Ughhhhh who the f do I even put on my blank SS jersey now? Kuemper???

  16. ClemsonJeeper

    The only thing worse than this game was trying to get an Uber away from it after.

  17. MetalMan1973

    The caps shit the bed, rolled in it, didn’t shower and hugged everyone they knew. Was really sad to be embarrassed on national tv

  18. johnamoose413

    Some canes fan got me high in sec 28, very hospitable crowd.

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