@New Jersey Devils

Welcome our newest addition to the Devils family

Welcome our newest addition to the Devils family

by jackwhole


  1. Kornja81

    Hughes and Mercer look as young as this child 😭😭. Congrats! 🙃

  2. cabeener

    You should name them Timo Meier to meme it into existence

    Congratulations by the way

  3. Devil_Dane


    A baby in a Devils’ jersey is a guaranteed win tomorrow!

  4. Icy-Arm-6044

    Awww beautiful baby!! Congrats and welcome to the fam little one!!!

  5. artofmikeychristiano

    This popped up on a notification with just caption and I thought “timo!”
    But seriously congrats!!

  6. oldcrowtheory

    Congrats! May this child never experience the pain we all endured the previous decade.

  7. Klaassact

    Congratulations!! Welcome to the devils family little one

  8. PickledModerators

    Congrats man! Bringing my daughter to her first game against the Wild in March. She will be 6 months at that point, is this too young? 😂

  9. CantSitDownBHPP

    They get to grow up in the second golden age LGD congrats! Get the kid on skates ASAP

  10. rockyourred

    Congrats. Hope everyone is healthy. Never forget when my son was born back in 2003 . February. Devils went on to win the cup coincidence? Hope not

  11. Brattshandles

    Congrats!!! My wife and I just had a son too, 2/18 at 5:23. Brought him home in some Devils pjs today. They twins?

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