
Filed a complaint with CSBC regarding gambling advertisements in sports broadcasts a month ago, here is Rogers’ response.

Filed a complaint with CSBC regarding gambling advertisements in sports broadcasts a month ago, here is Rogers’ response.

by raktoe


  1. Maybe not the most appropriate place to post, but please file written complaints if this bothers you as much as me. The companies are forced to respond. There’s not a ton we can do, but at least we are forcing them to listen.

  2. Vaderaziel

    I appreciate this. I doubt it will accomplish much though. Too much money to be made.

  3. Prison-Date-Mike

    Until someone in a position of authority does it, doubt they will care. $ for the network, $for the league, $ for the book keepers and most importantly $ for the owners

  4. salamiolivesonions

    It is pathetic how much gambling is now the center focus to every sports show in Canada.

    Let’s do a zoom out picture in picture of the GAME IN PROGRESS to update you on the moneyline. Get the fuck out of here with that shit.

    I feel for anyone who suffers from addiction, especially a gambling addiction. It has to be impossible to enjoy sports without this being shoved down your throat

  5. CaptainCanada94

    “Responsible and conscientious approach” feels a bit like “sense of pride and accomplishment.”

    Hey Rogers, go fuck yourself.

  6. What I got from this is that they are following the laws and regulations.

    I don’t think many are doubting that. The concern is ethical.

  7. endurance13

    Wish the CRTC gave more of a shit. I counted 5 out of 8 ads last night bring gambling related during one commercial break.

  8. doughflow

    Give this a decade and we’re going to be having the same sports betting crisis Australia is having

  9. rickayyy

    Man, we thought the scrutiny of refs and calls was bad already.. It’s about to get a million times worse with people betting thousands of dollars on games.

  10. helms_derp

    Maybe I’m in the minority here, but have you considered ignoring the ads? Perhaps play with your phone during the TV time-outs.

  11. > “a responsible gaming environment and ensure advertising and marketing material are not enticing to and do not target high-risk or underage players.”


    Every single game is drowned by gambling ads, but sure, the at-risk and underage are not being targeted, sure.

  12. Porcupickle

    > These guidelines were created to promote a responsible gaming environment and ensure that advertising and marketing material are not enticing to and do not target high-risk or underage players.

    ya ok

    I’m sure there’s really no overlap between sports fans and high-risk or underage players.

  13. Master_Shake23

    Corporations will always maximize profit, ethically or otherwise, unless regulated. Never forget, it took child labor laws to stop companies from hiring kids.

  14. UsernameAlreadyUsed3

    Turning the ice rink into a casino, no thanks

  15. Jimmy_Jazz_The_Spazz

    When a company responds to a serious issue by quoting regulations you know they don’t give a fuck.

  16. ShellRazer44

    What is your goal here? Do you complain about commercials that advertise other things you don’t like, or don’t apply to your life? I’m confused as to why this was even needed.

  17. Prudent-Drop164

    What is just as sad is seeing who they are using as shills.

  18. ProfStasis

    Not sure why people always take things to the extremes regarding these topics. Most people that bet on sports do so responsibly in very small amounts, and primarily for entertainment purposes.

    A small minority with highly addictive personalities will find something to get addicted to if not this… whether it’s drugs, alcohol, video games, food delivery apps, etc.

    My only critique is the sheer amount of betting ads in hockey right now, because it is legitimately annoying.

  19. Legitimate_Warning54

    This reminded me that I need to lodge a complaint in BC. I sent it to the complete wrong agency and they point me to
    >”Gambling advertising is regulated at provincial level in Canada. As a result, Ad Standards cannot consider concerns related to the activity of gambling and internet gaming sites advertising (including concerns about frequency and placement). Such concerns should be addressed to the Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch who regulates gaming-related activities in British Columbia”

    I hate the ads and although I dont gamble at all I really feel for people who struggle with it who are forced to watch this trash.

  20. Frankie__Spankie

    I’ve stopped watching anything other than the game itself. No pregame, no post game, I even change channels during the intermissions and set an 18 minute timer.

    Meanwhile I still think I see too much focus on gambling.

  21. Gotta love how during a hockey game intermission, they spend half of it talking about betting odds. Then you hop on the GO train to go home and oh, what do you know? Gambling ads take up half the window now.

  22. MauriceMaxwell

    People really need to get over this. The outrage over pro sports embracing gambling is so misguided. Yes I am aware the gambling is an addiction for some. My father was a gambling addict and it runs in my family. But the fact that it has gone mainstream is much more healthy than having it be something illegally lurking in the shadows. It actually allows for people to be more responsible with their gambling and to have more resources for problem gambling. It’s wild how so many can be so outraged by this and yet not blink twice at a Budweiser commercial. The fact is that the vast majority of adults who partake in these activities do so responsibly and the problem gamblers are going to get their fix whether is in the open or not. Much better to have it in the open so if it is a problem for someone it can actually be addressed without stigma and with actual resources that become more widespread because of it’s acceptance into the mainstream.

  23. sansmorals

    welp, sounds like the CRTC will have to step up. i’m sure it won’t be difficult to get them to make reforms. /s

  24. sasksasquatch

    That response feels like a whole lot of nothing to me.

  25. Not sure if it’s Bally or ESPN, but someone plays slot machine noises at the end of penalties. Makes me cringe.

  26. Leading_Attention_78

    Yup. My wife and I are hardly watching live hockey anymore. We’re completely turned off. We won’t be renewing next season.

  27. imyourzer0

    The short and simple is they’re going to ruin the game juuuust up to the point where the consumer is about ready to turn off their TV, but not quite. If it doesn’t cost them viewership or butts in seats, that’s not even part of their cost/benefit analysis.

  28. ContentConch

    Do you think they should remove ads about alcohol from the games as well?

  29. avanross

    Rogers got jealous of activision/ea/blizzard, and all the legal gambling companies getting rich from exploiting the last group of addicts who can still be legally advertised to.

    They cant invest in cigarettes, they already take all the alcohol advertising money that they can, so gambling addicts are the final group that are ripe for exploitation

  30. doubleopinter

    I HATE all the gambling ads now. Say what you will about the CBC, like em or hate em, this is the kind of garbage that happens when Rogers and Bell are solely in charge. Pretty soon it going to be nothing but gambling and pharma ads everywhere we turn. It’s disgusting.

  31. wellpaidscientist

    And here to speak on gambling addiction, Norm Macdonald.

  32. Rusty_Bojangles

    Apparently I’m OOTL on this one… is sports gambling and it’s promotion unpopular in this sub?

    I’m seeing a lot of angry comments in this thread about Rogers response… my initial reaction was “wow a corporation of this size actually took time to read and respond to an individual complaint”. That’s pretty rare. If anything, I think higher of Rogers than I did 10 minutes ago. What am I missing? Is this just more commentary from anti-gambling community or did something in particular happen with Rogers?

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