@Montreal Canadiens

Bonjour-hi, I am an Islander fan. Do the Islanders and Canadiens have a friendship? I asked the same thing on r/NewYorkIslanders and most people said yes, but idk what you Habs fans think of us. We also hate Toronto, Boston, and rangers so we have a bit in common. Salutations de Long Island!

Bonjour-hi, I am an Islander fan. Do the Islanders and Canadiens have a friendship? I asked the same thing on r/NewYorkIslanders and most people said yes, but idk what you Habs fans think of us. We also hate Toronto, Boston, and rangers so we have a bit in common. Salutations de Long Island!

by sticks_04


  1. We have no reason to hate you guys whatsoever. You had Bossy and we loved Bossy. You have Romy and we loved Romy. And we do hate; Boston, Toronto, NYR, Ottawa and Tampa.

  2. sticks_04

    Also never got to mention it but thank you all very much for all the tributes to Mike Bossy after he passed away last season. Also respect to Guy Lafleur R.I.P. ❤️💙🧡

  3. JurassicShark12

    I don’t rly have an opinion on the Isles lol but I guess no opinion is basically friendly enough hahah

  4. televisionceo

    Yeah, I consider the isles a friendly team

  5. Pouletchien

    Isles and Habs have been friend since the Leafs signed Tavares as far as I know.

    Would have been hella cool to get a Habs vs Isles final in 2021 altough I’m not sure if the friendship would have survived.

  6. ForumsGhost

    “We don’t need you” “pajama boy” love it.

  7. You helped us acquire Dach so I guess that makes us friends !

  8. christiv7

    Personally, I would’ve loved the finals to have been the Isles vs the Habs, that would’ve been amazing

  9. Philly514

    Bossy was an important Montrealer and he played for you guys. I say hells yeah.

  10. dillybomb420

    I would have loved an Isles Habs final 😢

  11. M3GaTR0N7

    Any team and fan base that hates the Leafs & the Bruins is a friend of ours.

  12. I’ve always loved the Isles, so in my books, yeah!

  13. ohnowwhat

    Anybody who hates Toronto is a friend in my book

  14. Numerous_Mountain792

    NY Islander are my 2nd favorite team (like i’m serious this isin’t about sucking up) so OP is really bringing a smile. I think my reasons are the following, y’all had tito beauvi and have JG pageau which are both players we respect and love here in the province of Quebec. I’d also add that you guys beat the flyers after they broke our heart in the playoffs about 3 years ago? We also both have an insane distatste for the bolts so I guess we can call ourselves “friends” !

  15. eriverside

    We’re all good. You’re not least hated team in the east – because we all forget Buf exists, you’re the most liked.

  16. WelcomeToTheZoo

    In the sense of two cannibalistic tribes that can bond over a shared cuisine, but the second hard times come, one of those tribes turns on the other and feasts on their unsuspecting friends? Then, yes, we have a friendship.

  17. ZobRombie65

    I don’t mind the Islanders but if we played in a playoff series, I would hate them in an instant.

  18. _6Evrett

    I am a simple man. You annoy the Leafs -> I like you.

  19. OfficialDaiLi

    Y’all were supposed to face us in the 2021 final, it would have been the most boring cup final of all time. We’re cool, Bossy was a legend.

  20. n0rdique

    Personally, I like the Islanders. Great jerseys, great colour scheme, love their 80s legacy. Truly one of the only Eastern Conference teams (other than the Habs, of course) that I actually like.

  21. La-Spatule

    We love the islanders because you are not the Rangers and for Mike Bossy !

  22. I’ve been an Islanders fan since they took the Penguins out of the 93 playoffs for us.

  23. HabsWeedEtPoutine

    I REALLY hate the Rangers and their fans, maybe more than any other fan base. Such nasty people at their arena, but as for islanders fans, very kind to away fans.

  24. chuckdeg

    Yeah no beefs with Islanders. We both love Bossy, Romy and Streit.

  25. Thaddeauz

    I would NYI is one of the team we are on friendly terms with. I mean we don’t have an history of injury causes by the other, most of our games are clean-ish, no big controversy, bad blood, not playoff heartbreak, no specific player to hate or ex-player that left us for you in a bad way.

    We hate the same teams apparently, but I would say that Boston is more of a love-hate rivalry with some good respect for the other side. We have a couple of either ex-player or current players that we really love.

    I never really through about it, but yes I guess we guys are friends. I remember hoping that you guys would won against Tampa Bay 2020, the two underdog teams meeting in the final would have been an epic story.

  26. Don’t mind the Isles but I do hate y’all when we play against you though. Also wasn’t Calvin de Haan with you guys when he obliterated Gallagher’s hand?

  27. Personally, I’ve always had a soft spot for the Islanders. I like the organization and there hasn’t been any bad blood in recent memory. As you mentioned we both hate the same teams, Boston, Rangers, Lightning, Leafs.

  28. retroglamathon

    I love the isles. Have become my defacto 2nd team. I’ve always liked your jerseys but started to really root for the team after watching the heartbreaking ecf loss to tampa. That was one hell of a series. And you got Romy now. Rooting for you guys to make it in and will be my playoff team this year if so.

  29. bcgrappler

    You guys keep fucking florida out of a playoff spot. Genuine kings of men if you keep them out of the wildcard.

    Go isle go

  30. Rodonite

    As long as Tavares is a Leaf I wish all the success in the world on the Islanders. Really hated how he dealt with his free agency, but seeing you guess go to two conference finals while he can’t make it out of round 1 has been excellent. Isles beating the leafs in round one would be a dream.

  31. AngryAssyrian

    We also got cheated by Tampa so we have a shared hatred for them as well.

  32. user_8804

    It’s somewhere between “who?” and “oh yeah these guys are cool”

  33. greasydrg

    We’d like you a lot more if you kicked Florida out of a playoff spot

  34. MeteWorldPeace

    There was that time where I, on my old account, was bandwagoning the Islanders in the playoffs because I liked Tavares and I was like one of only two “noticeable” r/hockey users to do so. So that one dude who has like a million dipietro jerseys dm’d me asking for my address and sent me one. I still have it hanging!

  35. philjitsu

    Take care of Romanov for us Islanders ❤️

  36. I think so. Off topic but I remember we went with some buddies to Nassau back in 2012 or something and a beer guy was yelling bière froide (cold beers). Right then and there, I was like yea, friends.

  37. Thanks for taking care of Mike Bossy. Hope you do the same with Romanov.

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