@National Hockey League

Hockey Is No Longer Fun

Hockey Is No Longer Fun

by TheCutterButter


  1. alexgetty

    I’ll trade you one blues team for one stars team. No questions asked.

  2. Weird, I find it to be more fun when the Stars lose. . .


    And because I must – Norm Green Sucks!!

  3. myjunksonfire

    Meanwhile. Chicago wins 4 straight against cup contending teams loaded with talent all the while about to trade away the best player the have ever had.

  4. CCSest92

    Blame mullet kid. It’s been all downhill for youse guys since

  5. Sad-Maximum-9067

    This reminds me of A Knight’s Tale where Wat says, “I know! You’re losing now, so you can come from behind for a more dramatic victory!”

  6. dagnasssty

    At least three of those L’s are noteworthy. Those last two though -_-

  7. staefrostae

    Oh… huh… but I thought, you know based on all the posts at the start of the season, that Jason Robertson was the next McJesus

  8. average_bear0309

    Sorry for your luck bud, that’s something no fan should ever deal with

  9. adjectives97

    Don’t you dare say bad things about our precious stars! They are the most admirable team in the league. They saw that they had established a healthy point total and thought “y’know what it’s time to share our good fortune.” The Dallas stars deserve nothing but the best, bc they are indeed the best. Jake oettinger is basically a demigod and we will stand for no stars slander.

  10. KingofKings180

    Atleast the Golden Knights managed to take them to overtime lmao

  11. Dr_Will_Kirby

    Us Hawks fans aren’t happy about last night either…

    Tank getting thrown away

  12. BlandBenny89

    What I’ve taken from this season more than any other season is that basically no lead is safe regardless of who you’re playing. I’ve seen my team and so many other teams blow huge leads all season long. Gotta play the full 60 cuz even the bad teams aren’t rolling over when they’re down.

  13. CG11072000

    The one thing keeping the Jets in contention for first in the division

  14. It was inevitable. You only have to worry about one line and it doesn’t have McJesus on it. Two really awful contracts are limiting what they can do to add offensive depth.

  15. MNGopherfan

    As a Wild fan pls keep losing Dallas. The Wild are only two games from a playoff spot and not a Wild card.

  16. XolieInc

    “Hockey is no longer fun” the dude whose team currently sucks ass

  17. Porkchopp33

    Good young talent stud goalie they ll rebound !!

  18. NerdyMonster11

    Hm seems like their strategy isn’t working anymore

  19. Kane shouldve been trying the whole season. Feel like half his goals have come in the last week…

  20. HendogHendog

    Mn started the shoutout 0/2, and you were 1/1, It’s nuts that you let us win that one 😂

  21. xDRSTEVOx

    Keep giving us more and more slack bc apparently the jets cant even go up in the standings when the top teams in a 5 game slump

  22. MrSidelineSwap

    The fact that Boston can lose 10 straight, and still lead the atlantic, is insane.

    (based on TOR’s .672 P%)

  23. xX_Georgie_Xx

    This year – try being a pens fan haha. Lose most leads in gut wrenching fashion

  24. Throw_Trash_3928

    I miss the big hits of the 2006 to like 2010 era.

    I don’t want guys getting hurt, but there was something just a whole different level of exciting about the game then.

    Now it seems like it’s all just sticks slapping back and forth on the ice…..but then my team sucks so maybe I’m not watching the best product the NHL has to offer.

  25. Biatryce

    I still love hockey even though the Blues have sent off all their players and have lost so much they won’t even make the playoffs this season. 🥲

  26. bvanbove

    As a Stars fan I would see how this isn’t fun.

    However as not a Stars fan myself, I’d say this is why hockey is fun. Even top teams can lose 5 games in a row, one in terrible fashion, but still be well in place for a playoff position. At which point anything is possible, and a 5 game losing streak in February can be a forgotten thing.

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