@Tampa Bay Lightning

Sabres @ Lightning 2/23 | NHL Highlights 2023

Extended highlights of the Buffalo Sabres at the Tampa Bay Lightning


  1. Look how excited the haters get when lightning only get one point instead of two. Thats a sure sign your teams successful. People are salty from the almost decade of successful winning hockey

  2. Stamkos emballisment try on overtime…He knew he fucked up.

  3. Never seen a defender give a hand pass that leads to a breakaway for the other team. Was that a touchdown pass?

  4. So glad stamkos was the one who screwed up. Too bad I didn't get the Sabres announcers on these highlights

  5. Not a fan of either team but helluva game, Buffalo really seems to have figured something out!

  6. You can tell from the comments here that Buffalo fans just really don't watch or know hockey. But in fairness, it's hard to blame them anymore with that franchise.

    On to the next!

  7. Criminal using Tampas commentary. Sabres broadcast was more fitting to use for this game

  8. Buffalo is a nothing burger, lightning fought like hell for a well deserved point. Lightning will move on and be fine.

  9. if Buffalo could find a decent goalie they'd be scary good. Last I checked they're top 3 in the league in goals for, bottom ten in goals against

  10. Vasy usually stops a couple of those breakaways but not tonight…. Good win by Buffalo but my Bolts are a playoff team not a reg season one and they learned that years ago….

  11. It is so hard to figure the Sabres out? Perhaps they should give up the right to all home games for the rest of the season. They are so good on the road but can't seem to come up with the same magic at home. Anyway, if they do "somehow" manage to make the playoffs, they will obviously be playing a team or teams with home ice advantage. That would seem at this stage to be a big advantage to them………………..Just saying!

  12. Just an fyi, Mr. Stamkos was holding LaBuuuuuski's stick…
    Good "no call"
    Check the opposing angle, you'll see it. Good game by these Buffalo Kids.

  13. Lol tampa bay homer announcers with that game winner. Stick wasnt anywhere on his hands was at his side checking with it like they always do and stamkos snagged it under his arm tryina draw and they didn't buy the sell. First they tried to say trip then when they saw it clearly wasnt a trip they went with excuse b that you see that called for a hook. No, that is not ever called a hook lol. Thompson made Vasilevskiy look stupid all game lol

  14. why don't they trade stamkos while people still think he has value. Ovechkin is another has been who would bring in a ton of good players

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