@New York Rangers

[Mercogliano] If anything has become clear in the last 24-48 hours, it’s that Kane pushed HARD for NYR . I firmly believe the Rangers hadn’t planned for both him and Tarasenko. But belief is Kane’s urging has dropped the trade price to a point where Rangers felt it was too good to pass up.

[Mercogliano] If anything has become clear in the last 24-48 hours, it’s that Kane pushed HARD for NYR . I firmly believe the Rangers hadn’t planned for both him and Tarasenko. But belief is Kane’s urging has dropped the trade price to a point where Rangers felt it was too good to pass up.

by Mfed23


  1. We’re going to have an Ultimate Team lineup.

    Just worried about the depth with any injuries tbh

  2. ZestyVampire

    yeah ive been saying from the start, the blackhawks have no leverage at all. If Kane wants the rangers, he’ll get the rangers.

  3. LilMissLinNim

    Should the team score a bunch? Sure. But who’s gonna help keep pucks from going into their own net? Are we gonna see a bunch of 4-3, 5-4, 6-5 games to end the regular season?

  4. Zero-jiggler

    Remember at the start of the season we were all joking about “Krav and a 2nd for Kane lololol”

    It’s actually gonna fucking happen

  5. Nylander92

    I realized today deangelo is 900k in dead cap. The gift that keeps on giving.

  6. fictionalreality08

    Finally every Rangers fan’s dream coming true. Threesome between bread, Senko and Kane…

  7. All these news are so spicy even Domingue couldn’t handle it.

  8. Such bad trades.

    We needed top wings last year so we traded for rentals.

    We need top wings this year so again we trade for rentals.

    We gonna do it again next year and the year after unless some rookie becomes superstar on opening day

    Really starting to hate upper management

  9. Kane pushing hard and being in a position to say he’s only going there and Drury getting Tarasenko instead is a major major L for Drury and the front office if they don’t get Kane too. Incompetence

  10. Rick91981

    Just to add to this is this note via The Athletic

    >But it’s clear that Drury has decided — certainly with the eager support of Rangers owner James Dolan — that Kane can fit on the roster and is what the team needs. And Kane, who a friend said recently has been eyeing the Rangers ever since his old linemate Artemi Panarin came to town, clearly has decided the Rangers are what he needs after a Hall-of-Fame run in Chicago.

    >It’s not done. But the wheels are very much in motion, starting with roster management.

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