@St. Louis Blues

Feb. 23: Postgame Interviews

Hear from Craig Berube, Alexey Toropchenko and Tyler Tucker following the 3-2 OT loss to Vancouver on Feb. 23.


  1. we need to realize in a hurry that Jordan Kyrou is not smart enough to play in this league. If I had half his skill I would be a hall of famer.

  2. Alexey is pissed. You could see him shaking.

    This is on the vets. No heart, he coined it correct. Coach said the boys don’t care about the team. Truth. Take a walk if you can’t hack (looking at you 18,25,20,10,55,72)…

  3. Feel like calling guys out for giving up on a season that the GM and ownership gave up on a month ago is pretty stupid. This team was never gonna make the playoffs and we all knew it in January. So let's tell Kyrou and Thomas to block shots and go full speed and then get hurt and miss half of next season. Seems stupid.

  4. Everyone on here saying why should they care about winning, are the same people who say you aren't going to work hard to get a raise, they get paid millions to play professional hockey

  5. You’re 100% correct, Alex! I fully support and agree with your comments!

    Also support Coach Berube’s comments 100%!

    Someone has to call out this soft ass team!

    Alex and Coach Berube are at their wit’s end, Armstrong! And they’re saying what needs to be said!

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