@Pittsburgh Penguins

DK's Daily Shot of Penguins: Lowest of the low

Blown out by the Oilers, the GM jeered … can it get any lower? Well, maybe

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  1. I’m so glad this game was on a Thursday night so DK could rip this team to shreds on Friday, and I didn’t have to wait until after the weekend. The trade deadline is today, right? Not that it makes any different to Ron Hextall. As my Flyers-fan-friend says, Hextall is his favorite player of all time… but the worst GM he’s ever seen. I’m like well there’s always Mike Milbury, but 2nd worst ever still isn’t good. Hextall managed to keep the top 2 lines together— and also singlehandedly managed to close the window at the same time. And Owen Pickering ain’t no Pickett or Pickens or Termarr Johnson.

  2. Well DK this is exactly what I was talking about. They have won the Stanley Cup so many times they’ve had this success so much these players don’t care about it like they used to.

  3. Letang not going to badmouth people in his lockerroom.They are stuck Sully I feel bad for him he can only do so much Carter,Kapanen,Doumilin,Blueger all bad.

  4. I'm glad I missed it. But they have made their bed…now they can crap in it. They have tied themselves to really dumb contracts for the foreseeable future, and these guys are just a train wreck. It's almost as if they have a marching order of "tank" from higher up.

  5. I know not to waste my time on Edmonton games because Connor crucifies us, pretty sure he’s got like 20-30 pts vs Sid who has like 7 or 8 points in head to head games…and boy was I smart in not watching the game last night… guess others are finally realizing how bad Hextal is, feels good to see.

    Oh and Jarry has been a bust this season

  6. DK can Management Move the team or is their a no relocation clause. It is the only reason I can see to let this insanity go on.

  7. I’ve been saying this for since 2019: lack of depth and a mediocre (at best) blue line has been the downfall of this organization. Sprinkle in spotty goaltending and it’s a full blown fiasco.

    They can’t score outside of Sid, Geno, and Rust. Their positioning and effort is horrible. Letang is finished and has been for quite awhile. And they’ve done nothing to fix it. This team is gritty enough to pull out victories, skilled enough to just outscore everyone, nor do they truly have lots of speed to makeup for any of the above. The only reason this team even sniffs a playoff spot is because of Sid. This isn’t how the Penguins should spend Crosby’s final years. Absolute joke. Ron Hextall should’ve been fired a LONG time ago.

  8. It's absolutely amazing how bad of a situation this team finds itself. Horrible contracts for bad players and almost no prospects has sunk this team. At this point do the Pens become sellers? Forget trying to sell that 3rd line and BD no one will want them. I'm talking about Zucker, Rust, Petterson, etc. This team is not a competitor so why pretend they are?

  9. I understand and respect Letang for not saying anything. This whole group came to his father's funeral not even two months ago. You can imagine how much this means to him and how grateful he is to all of them, for sure. This isn't on Letang. It is on Burke, Hextall and Sullivan.

  10. The streak of success this team has enjoyed for so long deserves to go out with more than this half-hearted whimper.

  11. Sullivan also is partly responsible for the roster and has a lot of input on who they sign or trade for. So to throw the GM under the bus is disingenuous. For every “Fire Hextall” last night there should be a “Fire Sullivan.” You also develop a system for the players you have, and this one ain’t working. Coach is responsible for that

  12. When are we going to start healthy scratching guys and start calling people up from Wilkes-Barre?

  13. I'm pretty sure hextall is in the middle of a walking dead marathon because he's definitely not doing any GM duties.

  14. Maybe Hextall and Burke want to get rid of Sullivan, but are hoping that he will have had enough to say, "I'm out of here."

  15. I dont think the NHL is gonna be happy if Crosby and Ovetchkin are not in the playoffs. The Caps are making moves, the Pens are not..yet. They dumped Hathaway and Orlov..The Pens could use a player like Hathaway, and need to make a number of other cuts/trades and acquisitions to be successful..Too many to salvage this season I believe. Best case scenario is they get in the playoffs as a wild card and get thumped in the 1st round.

  16. We gotta stop saying this is the lowest point… people keep saying that then we drop even lower…

  17. This is refreshing to hear… Most of the PIT media was so slow to start calling HC MS out for rolling the same exact lineup night after night. I'll give DK credit, he was earlier to call this out than most. That PP1 is so stale. Not that it matters, any longer. IMO, sellers at the deadline, free up space, and rebuild on the fly for Sid's last years.

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