@Seattle Kraken

Everything Alexander Skarsgård Ate to Become The NORTHMAN

This is the REAL Viking diet! Alexander Skarsgård trained for nearly a year for his role as Amleth in the new movie The Northman. The celebrity diet that I designed for Alexander was a program with three nutritional cycles: the build-up cycle, the diet cycle, and the maintenance cycle.

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Everything Alexander Skarsgård Ate to Become The NORTHMAN


  1. Really fortunate he got to eat so much. Every time I imagine Joaquin Phoenix's diet for Joker I'm like did he just eat egg whites and drink water?

  2. I get better results from lean beef than skinless chicken. Spinach instead of broccoli. Sweet potatoes instead of rice. In terms of good, better, best, lean beef, spinach, and sweet potatoes have far more effective nutrition than chicken, broccoli and white rice.

  3. This diet would kill me. Hahaha!
    I eat only once or twice a day (even while lifting) and no starches. I live on mostly steak and eggs. Yummmm!!!

  4. Great video on nutrition. Out of interest what's your view on protein shakes to hit the protein number if you don't have a chef or time to cook so many meals? Thanks

  5. Pasta. Potatoes. Rice. Quinoa. Farro. Avocado. Olive Oil. Chickpeas. Herbs not native to the area. Various other vegetables only shown in pics. None of these were available at all or could used regularly by the Vikings. Why call this a viking diet? You just wanted the main character to look good playing the part of a viking, you don't need to pretend this is what vikings ate. lol

    Carbohydrates are all made up of sugars, just in different storage forms that may not always be called "sugar", but they really are all sugars. They must all be broken down into glucose, galactose or fructose for use in the human body, therefore sugar.

    Starches are broken down quickly into glucose for use, so that would include your potatoes. Bread and Pasta is also broken down quickly, so they're not a slow carb. Fruits are all fast carbs, so those will be off limits. You're not really eating any slow carbs at all. Nor are so-called "slow carbs" all that much slower than "fast carbs", that is mostly an assumption.

    You're assuming that balance is the healthiest option, but your body doesn't assume that at all. The human body actually dislikes having to deal with both carbs and fats at the same time, and since we have greater access to carbs these days it shows in the data. Mixing carbs and fats are really bad for human health outcomes. We're not designed for this "all of the above" approach, whatsoever.

    This just sounds like every other run of the mill standard american diet based on false assumptions of how food and the human body works. You'll build muscle for sure, just look at bodybuilders who eat pretty much the same thing when all is said and done, but you won't build a body for longevity(Again, refer to bodybuilders).

  6. 😂 Jesus god, it’s 2022, the bulk phase doesn’t have to be dirty, anybody that sells a dirty bulk for the sake of intake is a liar. If you had 2500 clean vs 7000 dirty you’ll take the clean all day long because your body doesn’t have to work nearly as hard utilizing and separating the trash and stress you’re putting on your internal organs

  7. Lot of these actors talk about how grueling this diet is, idk all of these meals look fire lol

  8. Amazing video! But I am confused about the amount of the carbs. The number 450g carbs is the whole amount of the sources or the pure carbohydrates? For me, I am About 85kg, so how much carbs should I intake if I wanna buliking?

  9. All those saying shit on vikingr, let me clarify some things

    1. Vikingr was a Profession not race. They were traders, merchants,hunters and warriors.
    2. They traveled the world. They found the America's hundreds of years before Columbus did.

  10. He is so stupid the Vikings did not look like that. They did not have that training and the Vikings were were not the most healthy people that is why they were pillaging

  11. It is well known that the Vikings ate copious amounts of avocado and quinoa. 😁

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