@New Jersey Devils

[LeBrun] Hearing that San Jose informed Carolina late last night that the ‘Canes were out on Timo Meier

[LeBrun] Hearing that San Jose informed Carolina late last night that the ‘Canes were out on Timo Meier

by septimus29


  1. septimus29

    Believe that leaves just us and Vegas. And we have a much, much, better potential trade package we can put together

  2. ThatsNotDiscoOfYou

    Shit is going down either later this afternoon or tomorrow me thinks. Stoves been hot for way too long I think my electric bill is gonna kill me this month but worth for Timo watch

  3. xGetSweatyx

    People were saying yesterday that St. Louis was out but I haven’t seen any confirmation on that. If Vegas is the only other team we have to worry about than he’s all ours. No way SJ trades him to a division rival for anything less than a ransom

  4. rlxdengineer

    No roster player, nemec or Hughes. Everyone else is fair game including picks

  5. rotten-eggz

    Mercer, Hughes, or Nemec better not be in this deal.

  6. LaHondaSkyline

    O.k., so with only Vegas left as competition, Fitz can hold the line on who gets shipped and still get Meier. No need to overpay to beat out Carolina. All we need do is send better prospects than Vegas, which should be easy.

    No need to send Holtz. Holtz is the no. 8 NHL prospect. Vegas’ top prospect is Cormier at no. 36. Therefore…Fitz should tell them 1st + Gritziuk OR Foote + Zetterlund (or something like that).

    Vegas just does not have the prospects to make us offer up Holtz.

  7. Mr7three2

    We should be able to out maneuver Vegas pretty easy

  8. danamerr

    Now everyone will be expecting Timo going to NJ, but he will end up going to Vegas, because he’d want to be closer to home(Switzerland), but not thats close and it all would totally make sense

  9. This is good for us. Canes could give a much better package than Vegas and Vegas can’t match us. We have some leverage here.

  10. lapelhero

    I’m so over this whole thing. Wake me up on March 4th

  11. OldResearcher6

    San Jose is losing all potential suitors and in the process increasing Fitz’s leverage. Im sure hes just sitting in the office waiting for the inevitable phone call “hey fitzzzyyyyy…sooooo…please bro…please give us Mercer…and a first…and a 4th…please bro. I have no one else that wants a deal with me bro”

    And fitz will be like “the deal has changed”

  12. quantum_monster

    Wait… San Jose told Carolina that they’re out? I’m not really sure that’s how it works, Grier

    “Yeah, not you. And, no, we’re not gonna hear another offer from you”

  13. ScrewOff_

    Carolina out, St. Louis out.

    Just down to us and Vegas. And Vegas literally has jack shit to sell.

  14. robsul82

    Huh, interesting way to do business.

    “You’re out! And lose our number, we don’t wanna hear any more offers from you!”

  15. PositiveVibesOnly90

    You don’t break a record Scott Gomez sets for the franchise decades ago, coupled with multiple point and goal streaks, then get traded. No worries on my end. Not with the successful personnel management we’ve seen lately to get us to this point.

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