@Edmonton Oilers

POST-RAW | Jay Woodcroft 02.25.23

Jay speaks after the Oilers fall 6-5 to the Blue Jackets in Columbus.


  1. "we beat ourselves today" is just another way of saying campbell lost another game for the team. Woodcroft will say anything except addressing the real problem

  2. Sure we lost but eh we still got 72 points this season. We are in a playoff run and soup had won more games then stu. The win last game was the only game the Oilers played well in front of skinner

  3. Real question ❓ is there any harm in putting Campbell on waivers just to see if anyone claims him? Does it hurt to at least try?

  4. Blue Jackets are over achievers, can only beat the best teams, but nothing to show for the season.

  5. I don’t think Campbell is fundamentally as sound as Skinner. I think Skinner is better… not having 2 good good goaltenders is not good long term.
    I think our D-core on the whole is too inexperienced & without a ‘perfect’ game, can’t consistently win… how would we beat a top 4 team in the playoffs? I don’t think we have it on goaltending & defence.
    Hope I’m wrong.

  6. Campbell needs to sit his ass on the bench and figure it the eff out. So sick of that guy costing the Oil pts. Guys a liability when he’s in the net. No way around it.

  7. Great to see McDavid doing what he does……..Leon was sleeping as usual waiting for pucks to be delivered to him…..embarrassing is an understatement!

  8. The ice was too icy I think , but mcdavid flies through anything good work mc’Icemanz no pizza for the rest of the team including ken hollow head for giving a bad contact to nurse now we are strapped 3:22

  9. The coach can eat this loss, for not playing the goalie that won you the last game. Campbell can go back to Toronto for all I care.

  10. Might be time for Holland to seriously look at moving Campbell and retain 50%. At least we clear up 2.5M of cap space. We can get this kind of inconsistent goaltending from at least 20 back up goaltenders in the league. Holland needs to talk to the teams that won't make the playoffs and therefore will have tons of time to work with Campbell. Hell, maybe Campbell might even get lucky and get acquired by the Bedard sweepstakes winning team. There are so many teams that are willing to move their back ups for Campbell at $2.5M. Bottom line is we can't go into the Playoffs with Campbell. Campbell's mental game is simply not ready to go into a playoff net. Not this year.

  11. Lots of adjustments in that game, the norm for an NHL Game….CBJ came in with a better Pre-Game Plan then the dueling began…this game was won and lost on the Pre-Game Prep….. I would enjoy 82 games like that as long as we win more than we lose. Moma2 could have helped put the Oilers over the top in a game like this. Rest Recover Reload. When the blueline is a free-fly zone games become 2 sided shootouts so go to the Hammer&Anvil so your blueline turns to stone and games turn into one sided shootouts in your own favor. Go Oilers.!!!!!

  12. Start doesnt matter once you tie it at 4-4 ~ and then fail to capture the momentum…. this is a weak defensive unit.. Boston, Carolina and many others play a notch above consistently….

  13. Call Campbell Swiss cheese, but Nurse Is Not a $9.5 million D-man. As usual McDavid carries the team. Y’all gonna loose him to a team that enjoys winning. Hey, maybe Coffee would lace ‘em up again to show how defence is played. Or I’d take Pronger.

  14. “Trying to pass through people.”

    Exactly. How do you stop your guys from doing that, coach? They’ve been doing it all season long.

  15. Unreal time for a Jay to go back to the ahl you can't have a 5 million dollar backup

  16. Considering most of the team didn't show up for the first 35 min i think its think you cant expect the goalies to take all the blame. Go out and play for 60 min like you did in Pittsburgh or like the 8 min it took for you to tie the game at 4. Jay said it. Too many passengers. Too many cute passes tonight that turned into turnovers.

  17. Woodcroft and Manson need to be held accountable for the defence eventually. Also both goalies lately have been garbage .

  18. It’s not just McDavid that is carrying this team, why do Oilers fans keeps saying that? Our depth is getting better. Kostin and Kane out sucks for the aggressiveness of this team. Hyman, Leon, Nuge, Desharnais and Barrie are all really playing well. Even Foegele is really coming on. Our D man group is really hurting us as well as Campbell. That is the big issue in my mind. We had 47 shots today and they had less than 30 and scored 6 goals.

  19. I’m an oilers fan but this is a game I genuinely can’t help but wonder how Connor feels playing 23 minutes, drawing a penalty and using it to set up the powerplay goal where he does everything, set up the 6 on 5 goal, score two goals, one of which was a complete individual effort SHORT. HANDED. Lay 5 hits, then come off and watch the rest of the team give up 5 goals and all combined, have 12 hits.
    I’m sorry but draisiatl it a joke five on five. Constantly turns the puck over and has only 13 goals. Nuge AND Hyman have more. Both are far more impactful for this team. He does one thing at this point and it’s score when the other team has less players, and Connor drawing all the attention. he’s able to be open because he doesn’t have to work for it. They are out manned and he’s left open. Dude is not only useless a even strength, but costs the team with his giveaways trying to do the most basic no no’s in hockey. Don’t throw it up the middle, don’t blind pass to the middle. Basics. I don’t think I’ve been this frustrated after a loss this season. And it’s because you watch McDavid give everything to this team and their other so called leader put up a piss poor effort night in and night out. He is the definitely of all skill, no will. I want playoff draisaitl back. He’s capable of so much more. It makes it all the more disappointing when you know he is better than this.

  20. Oilers need a top 2 right handed D not Ceci 👨‍🦯

  21. I've said before and I said it again. When Campbell is in net we have to put up at least 5-6 goals to win a game. It's not all his fault but when he is in net our defense has to work extra hard. That being said we still have a crap back end. Larsson is greatly missed

  22. Oilers need to go 13 and 9 (minimum) down the stretch to make the playoffs. They won't hit those numbers with Jack Campbell and their current D core. Certainly not after the Blue Jackets sweeping the series. It would seem the message being delivered here is that the Oilers are terrified of all the bottom feeder teams and play like cup contenders with all the top teams. So let's break this down. Oilers play 13 top teams down the stretch and 9 bottom feeder teams. Give or take a few losses from the top and from the bottom, the math shows making the playoffs will be a lot tighter than Oiler fans think. Conclusion? Absolutely not guaranteed the Oilers will make the playoffs with the current line up and current strategies deployed by Woodcroft. It's critical Holland makes an impactful move by the trade deadline to improve the team and force Woodcroft to adjust his strategies that guarantees wins from all the bottom feeder teams and not feel pressured about letting go of 4 games from the top teams down the stretch. Now we see, as clear as day, how critical those extra OT points were and how critical it was to win the games the Oil should have won. The last position any team wants to be put in down the stretch is needing help from other teams to secure their playoff spot. Connor's post game interview yesterday was indicative of the fact that he was aware of the math going down the stretch after losing to Columbus and he's not happy. Anymore losses to the bottom feeder teams, the Oilers are no longer in control of their own destiny.

  23. This team was doomed the moment they signed campbell. Smith was bad but at least he had a 2 yr deal only. Theres 4 more years of this junk.

  24. Looking forward to the game tomorrow be surprised if they beat the bruins best team in the league

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