@Pittsburgh Penguins

DK’s Daily Shot of Penguins: One more move to make

Still one more move to make, and here’s hoping it’s the right one.

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  1. Here is my question DK – is this inconsistency – this muddy, broader picture – fundamentally about motivation? It seems like they can turn it on when they want but often seem to be lethargic. They don't seem to show up in the first or last minute of a period? These seem to just be lapses of effort. Is Sully trying to figure out how to motivate veterans (e.g. trying to find a new way to convey his message or have they just heard it too many times before)?

  2. Blind loyalty to Carter for his legacy from Philly. Blind loyalty to Dumo. The recurring theme is blind loyalty coming from the GM's office. Hexie is a third-generation hockey player and alot of us can still remember Bryan Hextall. Maybe the Penguin management is trying to imitate the Steelers management with their "loyalty to the end" mentality. It is a great mentality for a family but a sports franchise may be owned by a family (e.g. the Rooneys) but a sports franchise is not a family. Argh!

  3. Consistently inconsistent….describes the NHL, especially NHL officiating. Why should the Pens be anything different?

  4. Dk when you explain the reality of what hextall did on this trade season and the the previous one, it just infuriates me. How could we be dominating the rangers in the playoffs just a year ago and now be where we are? With just one season? I still feel the penguins with Jarry healthy can still be pretty good and compete with the good teams, but to lose McCann by protecting carter and bleuger and to then send off over 5 mil. For granlund just blows my mind. I know you don’t have an answer, because no one does like you said, so I don’t even know why I’m asking.

  5. I think the problem with the Pens goes deeper than a bad trade here and there. If they made a brilliant trade instead of the ones they made at the deadline it would not have mattered…the pens wouldnt get out of the first round anyway. I think the Pens are soft..both mentally and physically soft. Our division opponents know how to beat the Pens..get in their heads and just beat them up. I guess they are tough in the sense that they get up off the ice only to get knocked down again..lather…rinse…repeat..these games are more of a mugging, but the Pens sure are fun to watch w. all the skills

  6. DK, can you teach us on how to compare salaries of players and draft pick importance between MLB, NHL, and NFL?

  7. So with benino an kulikov aren't the penguins the oldest team in NHL history?
    Al the need is Paul Newman.

  8. Inconsistent sums up this entire season. Incompetent sums up the front office. Both will be why they are an early out or miss the playoffs altogether.

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