@Vegas Golden Knights

Gotta See It: Byfuglien absolutely demolishes Stone

Watch as Winnipeg Jets defenceman Dustin Byfuglien levels Ottawa Senators forward Mark Stone with a huge hit.


  1. that was the hardest clean bodycheck I have ever seen. After that hit he started easing up on his hits for fear of killing someone.

  2. It's a hard hit for hockey but not even close to as bad as what you see in football. It's not even the hardest hit by a WinnIpeg player, check out Beasley on Bakari Grant 2012 (on top of being harder than this, it was in the head)

  3. On John Scotts podcast he had Tyler Myers as a guest who was a teammate with Buff. Myer's heard Buff yelling at Stone to "get his head up" before absolutely destroying him. Lol

  4. I was in attendance when this happened.. everyone but stone seen it coming.. we got the W in the end, that's what mattered the most

  5. If you listen to the background of this hit by by fugland . He actually warrned stone to pick his head up

  6. Buff was barely skating forwards, it was like Stone skating on a pond into a tree.

  7. I think this is the best hit in hockey history. clean, hard, out of the corner, safe fall. just a hard fkn hit

  8. I can't stand the modern NHL. All the rule changes effectively altered the mentality of players such that they act like a bunch of out of control 16 year olds for every clean, big hit. When someone got hit like that in the past, the game went on. The guy picked himself up, went to the bench, took a number, and hit the other guy back later on. I used to be a Senators fan when I watched the league, and I really liked Mark Stone. That was just a great hit.

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