@Tampa Bay Lightning

This was a GUTLESS cheap shot

You may remember just the other night, when Tony DeAngelo got boo’d repeatedly against the Rangers in the Flyers home barn. There are plenty of reasons not to like the guy but in tonights Philadelphia Flyers vs Tampa Bay Lightning game, he just gave fans another one to add to the list of reasons. After some traffic in front of the net, he came out of nowhere and speared Corey Perry in the groin with his stick. What ensued was the entire Tampa team going after him in a dogpile. The game itself was a good one, so I cover this and the game in todays NHL hockey highlights recap!

#nhl #hockey #highlights #tampabaylightning #philadelphiaflyers


  1. I think the most hilarious part is him trying to act like he wanted to fight when he was being escorted off the ice. Such a fake tough guy. I think that linesman would’ve kicked his ass. What I don’t get is why did he even do it? He wasn’t in a scrum with Perry or anything like that, he just skated up to a random guy and speared him in the nuts unprovoked. Did anything happen during the game between the two? Or is this just another example of DeAngelo being DeAngelo

  2. I’m sure Perry wasn’t innocent in all of this. He must have done something to warrant it. He’s one of the dirtiest players ever.

  3. 1 game misconduct and 5 roughing penalties….

    Weird how you have on video five dudes jumping one dude but only the one dude gets a penalty …..strange

  4. Perry starts it with a slash. I’m not justifying the spear to the grapes, I’m just saying…
    FYI, I’m a Rangers fan and I love DeAngelo. The Rangers fans that boo him are a bunch of **bt**d f***o*s.

  5. Man Perry is a bastard, no doubt but D'Angelo, he made be the most hated player In the NHL right now. His own teammates seem not to like him .as he was about to get his ass kicked, the Flyers was was debating if they wanted to jump in. Can't really blame them

  6. Any GM that signs this garbage sub-human trash deserves to be handed walking papers. Have it from a long-time OHL commentator that his parents are also trash.

  7. As a gay die-hard flyers fan, I was kind of bummed that we got him. Then, adding torts into the mix made me die a little inside. That said, the season rolled out out and they both grew on me and I've come to like like them. I didn't mind torts. I know he's a decent coach I just think he's an arrogant douche. I noticed that he and Tony d answer the press in the same childish condescending fashion. That's what I don't like. But I do understand that they just want to get out of the arena and move on from losses and don't feel like answering obvious questions. And then last night the shoe finally dropped and my original instinct proved right. I think perry went down a little too easily but I'm sure that didn't feel great. Lastly sorry about the rant and he should definitely miss a few games which I'm ok with.. The harder they fall, the better for us. One step closer to Bedard.

  8. Only 2 game suspension? WTF ?…thats ridiculous ! What kind of message does that send ? I guess it's alright, I mean if I only get 2 games….lets just start spearing anyone in the nuts !!

  9. So he poked Katie Perry in her cooch, big deal, Katie has done the same in his past, so….

  10. "Used homophobic and racial slurs"…this has been continuously reported, yet not one person is able to offer concretely the evidence of what he said…both may very well be true…but none of you morons that I have read or heard have been able to state factually and specifically what it was…which is bulls#$t…tell me word for word exactly what he said or stfu on the matter until you can…it's irresponsible reporting…and everyone and their mother has beaten that horse to death…
    Now it's possible someone out there has reported it the right way, and I missed it…but aside from that…that dude deserved to get speared in the balls…and this doesn't even crack the top 100 of most awful things a hockey player has done to another hockey player…the repeated slashing of hands that takes place throughout every game is far more dangerous and dirty…but noone seems to give a sh#t about that

  11. as a rangers fan theres nothing i love seeing more than the entire lightening line jumping him lmao

  12. Gonna join the chorus of people enjoying that it was on Corey Perry. "Live by the sword, die by the sword"

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