@National Hockey League

Get this man a Big Mac

Get this man a Big Mac

by info-warz


  1. ArgyleTheChauffeur

    Former NFL QB Todd Marinovich never had fast food – even as a child. He was a bust in the NFL.

  2. Buddy, those hot French fries at McDonalds when he’s out of his parents house are about to change his life. He’ll also try to get a McFlurry but the machine will be broken.

    Edit-spelling because of my fat fingers.

  3. Cautious-Moose9180

    That wailing you hear right now is Nate MacKinnon lamenting the lack of lottery picks.

  4. spmartin1993

    Get this man a Baconator the second he lands in Columbus

  5. OTTMusings

    I know McDonalds is bad for you, but this just sounds like he’s missed out on some basic childhood happiness.

  6. finnish-flash13

    Tell me your from North Van without telling me your from North Van!

  7. x_BLACKSWAN_x

    Gretzkey downed two diet cokes before each game

  8. saturnsnephew

    Unless his mom is with him 24/7, no way this true.

  9. Davimous

    He has… She just doesn’t know about it. This lady will never actually know what’s going on in her son’s life.

  10. Parents aren’t over bearing or anything 😑

  11. ThePurpleHorse

    What mama don’t know won’t hurt her

  12. TechEducator25

    Getting exposed to drinking, fast life in the nhl could unravel this kid..

    Never had fast food, what happens when he access to any and everything he wants?

  13. bigtimechip

    Good for him
    Fast food is literal poison

  14. Jabba_the_Putt

    Ok this is crazy commitment and I’m here for it

  15. boonsonthegrind

    People comment how not having McDonald’s is missing out on childhood happiness. I think more than anything that goes to show how fucking skewed our perception of reality and happiness are. Fuck McDonald. Every burger I’ve made at home is better. He ain’t missing out on shit.

  16. ChuckFeathers

    If he eats a very healthy diet it’s likely fast food will taste terrible to him when he does try it.

  17. This really struck a chord with all the fats on Reddit.

  18. CrazedHedgeHog

    Usain Bolt ate a bunch of chicken nuggies from McDonald’s during the Beijing olympics where he got all those medals🤷‍♂️

  19. AwesomeExo

    Hoping his parents didn’t deny him any semblance of an actual childhood for the sake of him being a phenom.

  20. moreMalfeasance

    Me: finishes quarter pounder, upvotes and keeps scrolling.

  21. Dashdaniel216

    I worked at the hotel team Canada juniors stayed at in Halifax and bruh…. the diet these kids were on. I felt bad for them 🙁

  22. okokokoyeahright

    2 McD’s within 2 minutes of the arena in Regina. I’m sure Mom means well.

    FWIW one location is across the parking lot from the player’s entrance. a literal 2 minute wlk.

  23. adidasbrazilianbooty

    This is def something my parents would tell me when I was 10

  24. Reminds me of that Quarterback. I guarantee he’s had fast food and his parents just don’t know

  25. AjClow1993

    This feels like one of those things you just tell your parents because they don’t approve but then on the weekend you start crushin’ Big Macs

  26. jasenkov

    My cousin is a future NHL prospect and it’s kind of insane how serious his dad takes his hockey career, like at 14 he was already in Europe playing tournaments and had to practice everyday since like 8. My cousin luckily seems to love it, but I wonder how many pro-athletes lose out on being a kid because of crazy parents who are trying to live vicariously.

  27. Ok-Kaleidoscope-26

    Unless you’re following this teen 24/7 I’m guessing he’s consumed a few things Mom doesn’t know about.

  28. LightsyNights


  29. Scissors4215

    Yea… he’s been crisscrossing western Canada by bus for the last two years but he’s never had fast food…. Maybe his mom has never me gotten him fast food but I don’t buy it that he’s never had it

  30. Danroy12345

    He’s definitely had it.

    Or his parents are so rich that they had gourmet meals every day so he wouldn’t want mcds.

    There’s nothing better than fast food after a hockey game.

  31. Vingt-Quatre

    And just like this, Conor Bedard just lost 100M$ in potential sponsors money.

    Thanks mom.

  32. LordShmeppy

    Poor lad he’s missing out on health problems but also sweet sweet fries.

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