@Edmonton Oilers

(Ekholm Appreciation) – Well, I guess it’s not just the eye test anymore. Ekholm has actually been the Oilers best Dman so far. (Orange circles indicate leader in each category)

(Ekholm Appreciation) – Well, I guess it’s not just the eye test anymore. Ekholm has actually been the Oilers best Dman so far. (Orange circles indicate leader in each category)

by REAPER-1_xxx


  1. Camulius73

    The Oilers have a core signed for a spell now. Now is the the best window this organization has had in decades. Let’s FARKING GO!

  2. lifeoflovehealing

    It’s actually interesting to see how well Nurse and Ceci suppress the most shots. Are their other stats not as good because the ones they do give up lead to goals? Either way that surprised me especially since they play a lot

  3. ManWithBag15

    I’m curious about what this means for Broberg’s future because we’ve got the left side all locked in for 3 more seasons after this one. Kulak and Ekholm are both listed as LD/RD on CapFriendly, and though Broberg isn’t we know that he has played both. So while Broberg isn’t completely blocked on the depth chart, his path to being a full-time NHLer certainly got more complicated.

  4. I was wondering if he would have a clunker during this stretch due to exhaustion. He played his first game almost straight off the plane, had to deal with immigration, moved his family north, and all the other stuff that goes with moving. I could totally have understood that. He just came in and did his thing. From an outside perspective, the pairings are actually good. Nurse has a better shot than Ek, and Barrie is gone, so Nurse is right where he needs to be. The chemistry between Bouchard and Ek is pretty good. I watch them, and see a kid who is learning all he can from him. They are always talking. I haven’t seen Broberg yet, but he sounds like talent. The whole D corps is better so far

  5. TheWarDoctor13

    He is also leading the “beard/60” stat.

  6. rethrast

    Ekholm was the best dman on the Oilers the second the trade call was made. I’m hoping he can teach nurse a couple things

  7. Raynir44

    Look at Nurses toi! Eckholme keeps that number below 20 per game.

  8. I’d like to hear from those people who were hopping mad when the Ekholm trade was announced. Have you seen the light?

  9. not-always-popular

    He has been a very sexy addition to the team. Kenny boy is getting things done

  10. The_Pickled_Mick

    So it seems like just MAYBE the Kenny haters were wrong and he actually knows what he’s doing, hey? Lol

  11. Fritz6161

    If we keep re-tooling the defence this summer, buy out Campbell and sign a decent backup goalie, we might actually be contenders next year.

  12. no doubt he is an excellent addition, I just wish we had a true superstar on the back end as well

  13. chezmo39

    Nurse could learn a great deal from Ek when it comes to positioning…..

  14. Anarchontologist

    Like you even need these numbers. You can just tell how he controls the game that he plays hockey with higher level of control, poise and ice IQ – over all the players the Oilers have on D.

    Baseball analytic history really did a number on a dumbo nerd sports fans.

    It’s almost like you clowns have *analysis paralysis* until someone presents you with these numbers and then you sigh that god has been revealed in scripture XD

  15. SectionAcrobatic8162

    The only thing Nurse is good at is eating up minutes and staying injury free. Even Bouchard’s numbers are better than his.

  16. Beat3000

    I’m happy we got ekholm he’s a great addition and I think with his role it allows nurse to play his game more rather than being the big dog defensively.

  17. He’s looked good, the stats match the eye test.

    I think him not leading the SA/60 and xGA/60 categories is more to do with him getting some harder minutes tho. And considering he leads the actual GA/60 category, that’s a testament to how good he’s been.

  18. Super_cats2004

    Not like it’s a difficult thing to do.

  19. doncoolbeans

    Ekholm was the Oilers best dman as soon as he walked in the dressing room

  20. ShadowCaster0476

    It’s like he’s a legit number 1 dman or something

  21. Initial-Ad-5462

    Oilers get 3 more D men just like Ekholm and they might actually go somewhere

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