@New York Islanders

Boston Bruins vs New York Islanders Bench Clearing Brawl 1980

Boston Bruins vs New York Islanders Bench Clearing Brawl

– Mike Milbury vs Duane Sutter
– Stan Jonathan vs Bob Lorimer
– Dwight Foster vs Glenn Resch
– Al Secord vs Gord Lane
– Wayne Cashman vs Garry Howatt

– NHL hockey brawl Apr 17, 1980


  1. The Bruins were all talk, no walk. Any time a real team faced them,. they found a new way to quit on the ice.

  2. The Bruins clearly won the battles but lost the war against the start of a great dynasty in the early eighties.The Islanders.Btw coming from a die hard Bruins fan.

  3. I hated those Islander teams, because Ive been die hard Ranger fan since 1976, but they were fun to watch. Is it me or is there barely no hard checks thrown into todays game? Maybe its the Rangers, but I rarely see a hard check nevermind a real brawl. I realize the quality is better today, but the emotion, loyalty and familiarity with your team and knowing every player on other teams made it so much more fun to watch. And remember the old play off system where 1 through 4 in each division had to play their way out of the division in the playoffs? It made for great rivalries, they just dont exist the way the did with the old system. Todays hockey is more the Escapades, than old time hockey consisting of mostly Canadians and few Americans playing in the league. It was a cult sport you loved it or hated it, today its a different game for different fans, but thats progress, I guess lol

  4. Saw this game live. This is when the Islanders smacked down the Boston Bruins and won 4 straight Stanley Cups 🏆🏆🏆🏆

  5. Best part was cash man pounding howatt after getting suckerpunched.the goalies should have keep those masks on.i know 1980 but they all have bald heads with those awful mustaches.

  6. You can clearly see Howatt asking Lorimer if Jonathan suckered him. To which Lorimer answers "yes".

  7. I remember seeing this on TV. Sutter and Milbury were getting ready to drop the gloves and go at it even as Cheesy Cheevers steered the puck to the corner. Then Stan Jonathan started going at it with Bob Lorimer, almost right away. Cheesy then jumped in to cool down Bill Smith who looked like he was about to blow a gasket. 4 players aside got game misconducts for this one – Sutter, Lorimer, Lane & Howatt for the NYI, and Milbury, Secord, Jonathan and Cashman for the Bruins.

  8. Howatt's only chance vs Wayne was if he knocked him out with those sucker punches. When he was still standing after that he knew he was screwed.

  9. Jonathan and Howatt – two little guys who wouldn't avoid anything. I think both were 5'8" and about 175. Howatt's first NHL game he went with both Schultz and Kelly in the Spectrum.

  10. Can u imagine if O”Reilly, Wensink,Nystrom & Gillies had been on ice.Cashman showed Howatt don’t fuck with the old guy.

  11. Howatt was going to go sometime, it was only a matter of time, lots of pushing. If you like old time rough stuff try reading The First Season Coach, an Amazon ebook about a rugged Junior A TEAM.

  12. Where were Bob Nystrom and Clark Gillies? This brawl would have been a bit different if they were here?

  13. Milbury – one of the great sucker punchers and drop the gloves first fighters; closet coward; remember the night he jumped the "tough" Don Murdoch.

  14. Love seeing that puke Howatt getting his ass kicked again, never have I seen him win a fight. Jonathan would have killed Howatt he's not even close to being in Jonathan's league.

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