@Chicago Blackhawks

Connor Murphy Ruined Himself.


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#gregdoucette #connormurphy #ruined


  1. Fucking hell, that's one way to speak of someone who clearly has mental troubles going on, as well as trying to sell your product in the middle of it. Ugh

  2. He was on drugs long enough that it will have literally rewired his brain. It'll either take years to get back to a reasonable level of.sanity or he's gone too far and there's no coming back. Where the mind goes the body follows and Connor screwed up his mind.

  3. Connor Took so much drugs that his brains were leaking from his nose ..
    So dudes you may have a great body and millions of followers but your brain will shrink as much as Squirrel 🐿️ nuts

  4. Had to turn off after a few mins.
    This guys shrill and shrieking voice is beyond annoying.

  5. dr. greg your camera focus is blurry , use sony cameras for video shooting and autofocus turn ON

  6. I mean honestly if he’s happy with himself then who are we to judge. I hope he doesn’t do anything to hurt himself but he’s a grown man and can do as he pleased

  7. You guys are the negative force here. Ok Connor went through some shit but he is recovering (he is trying) from whatever tf he went through. It's impressive seeing someone change from bad to good like he is doing now.

  8. you're absolutely right, people don't know what they are doing , they don't have patience, that's why they only do nonsense and ruin their health, I can only advise anyone who trains to go to the doctor from time to time, and I can only advise against any substance that promises muscle growth, it's a lie that you will regret sooner or later. knowledge,hard work, patience, perseverance, disciplin

  9. Feel so sorry for this guy, he clearly is still dealing with bipolar disorder and his mental breakdown. I don't think he has the right people around him to help him either.

  10. Hm I saw a vid of Murphy with Tony – I think Connor just doesn't care anymore about the body building circus he has left a long time ago. All this extreme actions were done out of the need to quit the internal thoughts what do others think of me and I'am perfect? Connor wanted to internally free himself and it seems he achieved it. He gives a s*** about the fitness circus, he doesn't take the things and what he says serious anymore. Surely you should be aware that what Connor says fitness wise isn't be taken serious anymore. Connor switched to other topics outside BB he changed his priorities and has now a very unique lifestyle the mainstream rejects. But if Connor is happy and he feels good. Kudos to him.

  11. I remember when he started doing the 40 days fast, you said that he's gonna die, and no way he can do that.. it's the first video about him since then, but now it's not surprising that he managed to actually do 40 days fasting.. not saying it was the correct decision.. I just find it funny how we are ignoring that 😀

  12. Çonnor, Joe, Alex. All nice guys and are man children who can't comprehend long term fitness success. They live for the body they look at in the mirror daily. Connor McGregor drinks his friends sperm! Who would listen to a man who drinks semen? 🤨🤨🤨😳😳😳🤮🤮🤮😆😆😆😆😆 Keep up the good work Coach!🙏🏼❤️🤟🏼✌🏼💪🏼🙏🏼

  13. Honestly feel bad for Connor. He just declined real quick with his mental health

  14. It's sad to see someone who was so well off as Connor get completely destroyed because he decided to go super hard on Ayuasca. Imagine if the dude took it once and didn't get fucked up…he'd be a legend.

  15. Those testosterone boosting supplements raise testosterone by small percentages such as 25, percent when in fact you need a 300,, percent rise if over fifty years old

  16. If you taught a child and an adult to fly a plane, the kid will always learn significantly quicker. The older we get the more rubbish we fill in our heads. TV was bad and the internet is a million times worse.

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