@Nashville Predators

Gotta See It: Johansen given mysterious unsportsmanlike conduct penalty

Watch as Ryan Johansen of the Nashville Predators is given a mysterious penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct against the Anaheim Ducks.


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  1. The official got him for the comment he said while skating to the right of the face-off circle, which my money is on him sarcastically giving faceoff tips for the teammate that took his place. This is on top of him already debating the official at the dot and getting tossed out of it. If it had been something racial (do you people not already get enough of that nonsense on your buzzfeed daily?) he would have been ejected and they'd currently be figuring out his suspension length.

  2. The official got him for the comment he said while skating to the right of the face-off circle, which my money is on him sarcastically giving faceoff tips for the teammate that took his place. This is on top of him already debating the official at the dot and getting tossed out of it. If it had been something racial (do you people not already get enough of that nonsense on your buzzfeed daily?) he would have been ejected and they'd currently be figuring out his suspension length.

  3. Maybe if the linesman just dropped the puck instead of pissing about for 5mins waiting to drop it then there won't be any of these bullshit calls.

  4. just drop the damn puck ref. Jesus. they wait to boot out players from taking the face. then drops a penalty because his sorry ass just couldn't drop the puck.

  5. at 0:30 you can see johansen point at subban and tell the ref : wait theres a black dude on the ice
    The ref then tells him : yea hes called Subban, Weber got traded man.
    Johansen replies : what? weber was way better !
    Ref gives him 2min for being incoherent.

  6. I believe he got the penalty because he got kicked out of the circle, then he prematurely moved forward before the puck was dropped as a winger causing another face off infraction. That is actually the right call.

    looking at the play again, he probably just said something to the ref.

  7. johansen always has had a bad attitude. Him and Neal always being obnoxious and chirping. Very good players but at some point just stfu and play.

  8. abuse of an official, classic call from someone with thin skin in a game where insults fly fast and often, the moment you take it personal on the surface of play you show your weakness

  9. Something racial or a very personal comment was said, or it could have been Neal stepping into the Ducks face off formation slowly. If it was that then Neal should have gotten the penalty for illegal faceoff.

  10. My favourite is how the ref kicks a guy out after toying with them for 15 seconds.. AND THEN drops the puck right away when its winger vs center! Watch for that from now on.. It happens 9/10 times. Referees need to work in the bar or in a restaurant with that saucer carrying ability. They could also be really good at rock climbing with that grip!

  11. Refs really need to shut up and just drop the puck. I'm a basketball fan, and I like hockey refs to continue being the best refs in sports, cause the NBA refs are terrible. But when you sit there, puck in hand, while the players are waiting, you deserve to get bitched at. DROP THE DAMN PUCK!!!

  12. Refs think that they run the show. You are so easily replaceable stop trying to play god. The fans pay to see the best athletes in the world not to see you act like you're all high and mighty. You are a petty little nothing.

  13. if you folks watch the video you would see the linesman is ready to go and waiting for Nashville to put is stick on the ice. In the NHL in the neutral zone, the visiting team is required to put their stick down first then the home side then they drop the puck. After Nashville refused to put his stick down, he was ejected from the face off. During that time, he obviously became abusive towards the official more than normal in the course of the game. If the linesman feels he has taken the abuse too far he can inform the referee to assess the Unsportsmanlike penalty.

    FYI… This is the second time Johansen has been issued an Unsportsmanlike penalty by a linesman.

    P.S. Not a Ducks fan or Nashville fan either. I am just someone who knows this game from many different sides. (I.E. Player, Coach and Official)

  14. I don't know about you lot but I go to a hockey game to watch the zebras, and hey, they scored a goal!

  15. I think there is some rule about getting kicked out of faceoff twice in a row. Not sure the exact rule but I know it exists

  16. If Shandor Alphonso would learn to drop the puck and do it correctly, he wouldn't have these issues. Just like when Vermette gave him a little tap after he screwed up and got 10 games… Not to mention the free goal he gave the Oilers a few games back when Pat Maroon was clearly offside and he let it go.

  17. What an ego on Johansen, these people obviously all paid to come watch the zebras hold onto the puck and free skate laps

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