@Winnipeg Jets

Jets @ Oilers 3/3 | NHL Highlights 2023

Extended highlights of the Winnipeg Jets at the Edmonton Oilers


  1. 5000 ads per video with ads on the boards and ads on jerseys and ads on helmet. Thanks NHL

  2. Holy mother of god, Draisaitl doesn't need ANY windeup to absolutely whack that puck into the smallest opening. Crazy!

  3. Drai gets fouled into the goalpost, knocks the net off its moorings, gets up, FIXES THE DAMN NET, then scores on a filthy snipe? Unreal.

  4. RNH playing the Best hockey of his life right now… puts a huge smile on my face.

  5. Draisaitl's snipe looked like a CGI special FX commercial. The dude threaded a hole no bigger than the size of a hockey puck, no wind up, top corner, insane angle, approx. 15, 20 ft away. You kidding me? Will go down in history as The Draisaitl Snipe.

  6. Jets are puck watching. The 4th line guys did ok, top 6 not so good

  7. Masterpiece of a game by Draisaitl. For my money, 2nd best player in the league.

  8. Dude Draisaitl made the goalie look like he could have things phase through him there was no where for that puck to enter the net and yet it still somehow ended up in there. Incredible performance overall that whole game.

  9. Oilers showing signs of synergy now that it’s not just Mcdavid and Drai carrying the team. This game illustrates their progress. When everybody is on, they can blow the game open.

    RNG has taken a real step this year and has become a difference maker. Hyman has picked it up, and seems to have found some solid chemistry on his line, and the return of Yamamoto has balanced out the lines nicely.

    If they just could get some solid goaltending, they would be a real threat in the playoffs. But I can’t say I am expecting it. It’s still going to come down that if they want to get out of the west.

  10. Focused on the win here, but can't help but notice skinners body language. He's poised himself as a starter, but definitely lacking the depth on these turnovers.. Ruining his save %'s which is all goalies care about lol

  11. I feel like all religion is just an excuse for the meaning of existence because people are too afraid to accept the perhaps numbing fact that we’re literally just animals on a rock suspended in deep space

  12. I'm not sure why the play was not whistled dead after the net was dislodged, but that snipe was pure magic.

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