@Nashville Predators

Matt Duchene and Paul Stastny “Bang Bang” Victory Dance

Avs beat the hawks 7-5 and Matt Duchene and Paul Stastny celebrate doing the bang bang dance from How I Met Your Mother


  1. Duschene should be advertised more by the NHL, skilled, the prototypical all american boy (even though he's Canadian) and he is hillarious! Something Crosby isn't and something Ovetchkin tries to be, but sometimes his English is just too bad to get the joke out. At the all star selection he was mic'd and they showed 10 seconds of him and he was cracking up all the guys. Unlike most hockey players who seem to be too afraid to be funny incase they offend peopl, MD is a breath of fresh air!

  2. @gaminkalv finnally a dance for awkward white guys! Can't wait to pull this out of my bag of tricks at the club this weekend

  3. Colorado has totally cullapsed but next year they will get a good draft pick like couturier or Hopkins and will get fliechman and maybe mueller back and be a top contender

  4. @godreau9 I find Ovi hilarious, he can speak english good and just does makes it seem like it is bad when he wants to be funny.

  5. @baddass4ever well if that is the case, then I don't find Ovi that funny. If you are the NHL, Ovi is going to sell it on being the perfect player… Fast, exciting, hard hitting…. but he isn't winning the average new comer to the sport by telling any of his "jokes" you need someone people can relate to and understand. If you are thinking I am going to say Crosby you would be wrong.. Crosby has been programed as a kid to say the right things, to be the perfect respectful person. Its boring.

  6. @baddass4ever no. what you need is someone like Duchene, who has got personality, and who is more relatable to the North American consumer. Another good guy would be Colby Armstrong. I know he isn't a huge talent in the NHL but he does radio interviews all the time and he is one funny man.

  7. If the Avalanche trade Paul Statsny id say trade them to New Jersey for the fourth pick. Get Landeskog and Larrson. That would be effin amazing.

  8. @chocolatemuffins83 All i meant was when you hear the saying "All American Boy" You hear it in movies all the time, much like how you have the "Girl Next Door" who dates the "All American Boy" the type of people parents want their daughters/ sons to date sort of thing. It was not meant to mean that I thought Duchene was American. As I even wrote "eventhough he is Canadian" Back when Eric Stal first broke into the league his teamates said that he was the typical all american boy but from Canada

  9. You don't think Ovi is funny? I think he is, just in the way he seems to absolutely love the idea of being a professional hockey player. He's as excited for his own goal as he is for a team mates, and his enthusiasm for the game is infectious and entertaining alone. Not to mention the numerous sound bites he has as well as the All Star Shoot Out.

  10. I didn't phase what I said before well at all. I meant that if anything his bad english is what makes him funnier, it just adds to it.

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