@Seattle Kraken

Raffi Torres Hit On Jordan Eberle (4-Game Suspension)


  1. I love Ebsy and I love me some Canucks, but I think it was both sides. Eberle was extremely low and Torres angled it wrong.

  2. Torres is at it again, just put Hossa out on a stretcher. Raffi Torres is the new Matt Cooke.

  3. Torres needs to be suspended indefinitely. He is exactly what hockey doesn't need. I like physical play, and most people appreciate a good hit, but this scumbag is a vicious headhunter who will one day injure someone for life if he is allowed to continue.

  4. How else are you supposed to hit a guy with his head down and who is about a foot shorter than you? Didn't leave his feet and used his shoulder. The NHL is losing its physical touch, if someone is stronger then they shouldn't get penalized for that. I'm small and have been hit hard by bigger players and my head has been in contact with their shoulder because I'm SMALLER and I'm skating low to the ice. What the hell is raffi supposed to do duck and hit people? Loll

  5. So what i should have said was "Torres is the new old Matt Cooke??" The new Matt Cooke is the new Kyle Wellwood, compared to the old Matt Cooke?!

  6. I couldn't stand Torres for years, until he became a Canuck. He plays hard, and I like that. It's hockey the way it's supposed to be played.

  7. That replay in slow motion totally refutes (by itself) anything that anyone would say to defend Torres. He's easily one of the biggest disgraces in the sport.

  8. Ott is the pest of the NHL. He isn't that dirty compared to guys like Torres, Cooke, or Ott's teammate Kaleta. But he is still dirty never the less. But he isn't dirty like Cooke dirty. More dirty pest style.

  9. eberle literally leaned down to his elbow height, what is torres supposed to do? nhl hates torres while letting more dirty players get off scott free.

  10. The NHL has become a heads down league. What would have been to Scott Stevens, Wendel Clark and Gordie Howe if players were allowed to skate with their head down.

  11. He had his head down and was reaching for the puck. So the hit looked worse then it was. Clean hit

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