@Detroit Red Wings

Daily General Discussion Thread (03-15-2023)

Talk about anything your heart desires. Be polite and upvote everything!

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by OctoMod


  1. WingedWheelGermany

    Mannheim lost their first playoff game and Detroit lost to Nashville. the week can only get better.

  2. Danengel32

    Apparently the solution to the Wings powerplay was right below our noses, making like 10% of the league minimum

  3. Rasmoosen

    I think I’m officially ready to give up on Zadina. Dude is like an offensive black hole with hands of stone and an inaccurate shot. Give the guy a change of scenery and give a rookie his slot.

  4. Danengel32

    I know injuries and underperformance were at play this year, but I think Ottawa is in a bit of trouble in terms of building their team to be a contender. Lots of talent on the roster, but their recent top prospect talent is all in the NHL now and they’re system is bare. But they also have shelled out picks big time and don’t pick until the 4th round this draft, while missing some needs. They did job addressing a hole with Chychrun (but need a decent bit more there). They also have a gaping hole in net, and it’s not the easiest fix. They’ve also tied up a ton of money and have to address guys like Debrincat & a few others (and they Sanderson in a few years).
    They’re not in a terrible spot and I think they’ll be a playoff team in upcoming years, but they shot themselves in the foot a bit by commiting to paying & taking the next step and then neglecting important areas. I don’t know that they have the pieces and assets to really contend. It’ll come down to proper asset management of their current guys by Dorion, and he’s gotta play situations like Debrincat the right way (& not let him either walk or sign too hefty off a contract)

  5. Great day to sign logan Morrison and jeremie biakabutuka.

    Really think we should take some swings on some udfas. We will have plenty of contracts and I think Covid has allowed some interesting prospects slip through the cracks. Lots of college and chl guys I like this class.

  6. There better be basement shooting drill montage for larks and boys this summer.

    Or I might start counting how many times a net is missed and the puck *carom’s* past the blue line

  7. Councillor_Phlunt

    The Flyers fire their GM who couldn’t do much at the trade deadline and lost their credibility by outing Detroit as a team in a trade on a player nationally, bring in their former player special assistant to the GM as the interim GM, and then that guy’s son (who has already been kicked off of one college hockey team) goes and knocks a wheelchair down a flight of stairs while the user is in the bathroom and its all caught on camera. Are the Flyer’s a sitcom or a soap?

  8. PeskyPrussian

    I love that Buchelnikov was very much a “huh?!” sort of pick last year but has kept up with or surpassed the production of the other top Russian picks over the last couple years like Yurov, Miroshnichenko and Chibrikov.

    Buch is pretty tiny so I understand why he didn’t have the hype but that funky looking kid will not stop scoring. He’s got a couple of years to fill out but it would be fun if he ends up making it. He’s a predator.

  9. elvishblood_24

    Does this mean fabbri is back or just paper pushin

  10. jackstalke

    Watching Copp’s postgame interview. Really smart guy, knows the game well. It’s refreshing to hear something other than the usual tropes. Could definitely end up coaching somewhere after he retires.

  11. elvishblood_24

    Fuck the athletic just charged me $70 fucking dollars- never getting a subscription with them again thats so annoying

  12. O_Gardens

    Went to the viewing party last night and ended up winning a signed Larkin jersey! Unfortunately it’s way too big – size 52?? I may still wear it but am ultimately thinking about getting it framed and hanging it on the wall. Any recommendations for display cases or people/companies that could do it?

  13. duelingdog

    I defend my PhD thesis in about a week. It’s crazy to think that the culmination of 6 years of work is right up on me.

  14. Last place in the playoff race, last(ish) place in the Bedard eligibility race. Kinda sucks man!

    Huge gap between us and all the teams beneath us so 23rd in the league looks to be a strong likelihood. 7.3% chance of top two is better than 0%

  15. RedWong15

    Seravalli reporting that Hronek might get over 8M AAV on his next deal lmfao ill take the picks thanks.

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