@St. Louis Blues

Binnington vs. Fleury

Jordan Binnington and Marc-Andre Fleury drop the gloves as chaos ensues during the March 15, 2023 game between the St. Louis Blues and Minnesota Wild.


  1. It is fun watching Marc-Andre Fleury sneak up on Patrick Roy's #2 rank for wins by a goalkeeper.

  2. Can't believe St Louis are stuck with this clown for another 4 years… If he's bought out he'll never play another game in the League…
    6 million a year and 3.39GAA with a 892sv%…

  3. I'm a Blues fan and absolutely hate this team. Binner is such a baby. But that said, he gets NO help at all. Thomas's nonchalant attitude… he may score assists but he is no winner. Kyrou has 64 points, 22 of which are from the power play, but sits at -38 MEANING his line has let in 80 goals. That's OVER a point per game just from his line. Nearly everyone on the team is substantially at a negative for +/-. Greiss is the backup. Parayko is nothing but a big ogre in front of the net. He has more goals in his own net this year than from the offensive side. Krug, Schenn, Faulk, and Leddy have been horrific. Krug is just really bad at everything.

    I can see why Binner is frustrated. But these antics are terrible for his career. If im an owner, I don't need a 3.5 GAA hothead.

    It's time for this ownership to clean house. Unfortunately, Thomas and Kyrou aren't going anywhere. Gonna be a long 8 years w these 2 idiots.

  4. If JB didn't win a Stanley Cup already; his fits wouldnt be tolerated. Honestly; the fact that he is a Champion makes this kind of garbage entirety worse..

  5. Lol don’t even show binnington punching Hartman for no reason right before this, lost in the end anyways, what a sportsman like dude

  6. Can any statisticians out there tell me if this officially the worst team defense in terms of goals allowed in Blues franchise history (up to this point in the season)?

  7. Blues fans have to be embarrassed that this clown represents their team. His nose are bigger than his balls.

  8. B in Binnington stands for b*tch 🤣 guys such a goofy, worried about starting bs rather than stopping pucks. AHL tier goalie.

  9. Worst thing they could do for the sport is stop that from happening. It’s part of the game. Ratings would go through the roof more people would attend.

  10. He'll never do shit. TrashBin is all hat and no cattle. I hope they let him go once so he can get his bell rung and finally deal with the repercussions of all the dirty plays he takes part in and all the shit he talks. Trash goalie too.

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