@Colorado Avalanche

Which Avalanche Players Would Be Cast as Marvel Superheroes? Darren Helm's Season Grade

It’s becoming an offseason tradition here at Locked on Avalanche. Chris and Kyle are not only hockey fanatics, but don’t shy away from their geekdom. Today we bring you the 3rd Annual, Avalanche as Marvel Characters. We take some of the biggest names in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and cast them using our very own Colorado Avalanche Hockey Club.

For this year we have a special addition to the casting call. With Marvel announcing an all-new Fantastic Four movie, we cast an Avalanche player as the one and only Reed Richards! Who is it? Tune in to find out!

We also have to hand out a season grade and today it is for Darren Helm. A bottom-six guy who knows his role and does it well.

Tune in and subscribe!


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  1. Dead on Chris even though the numbers not over the top but he just got better and better going into the playoffs with a big goal and some great defensive play.

  2. Shaggy I am gonna do a d c comic character for you kadri as John Constantine remember the finger he gave at the end that was for the blues,Evander Kane and the leafs.

  3. I kept thinking Burakovsky as Hawkeye. Just because it’s funny.
    Also Byram as groot because of his miraculous comeback from his concussion issues.

    I loved all your picks. I had Landeskog as Reed Richards in my end and for Bednar, added Nick Fury

  4. Naz as Moon Knight because there's an inner struggle he's had to deal with to become the player he needed to be. Makar is my favorite, Silver Surfer just because of his skating ability, and he's got the power cosmic for sure. Frankie has a Paul Rudd vibe to be, do he's Ant-Man. Everyone likes him and he brings people together. Landy is Captain America for obvious reasons.

    Moose is Thor and Dermy is Hulk. Cogs is Iron Man. MacK is Spiderman because he's humble and he's just out there to get the job done. Lehky is Deadpool just because of his tenacity and his killer instinct. Manson is Colossus. And Nuke is like Nightcrawler because he's all over the place, so it's like he can teleport.

  5. oh come one guys Frankie is Tony Stark , JTC is Hawkeye , LOC is wolverine , Bednar is professor X, EJ is Deadpool , Mac is Magneto (puck Magnet) Cale Makar is nightcrawler

  6. Can someone summarize who was casted as who? I don't have 38 minutes to listen to the podcast to find out.

  7. Oh Kyle, you are so tough with your grades! For the Stanley Cup winning team I have to say nearly all the players are in a A or B range for me. If you were grading a team that didn't make the playoffs then I would expect many of those players to be C's or D's. I honestly don't expect any more than Helm gave of a fourth liner in the twilight of his career.

  8. Helm will always get an A plus for scoring the biggest goal of the Playoff run for Colorado. The goal that finally gets this team to round 3, and ultimately the Cup deserves nothing but top marks IMO. Glad He is back for another season . SDMF

  9. Not sure why the Avs ( If they are ) are waiting for Naz to make up his mind . E-Rod is unsigned and would be a great fit in Denver . 43 points last year , yet another hard working guy , kills penalties , has a great shot , and IMO ready for a bigger role. And only made 1 mill last year . Double his salary, give him a 4 year deal, save $$$ and let Naz go for the big $ which is what He wants . SDMF

  10. Kyle, I've got to admit you have a knack for Marvel-Avs matchmaking 😉
    Just to throw it up there, what about "Outside the Avs: Marvel/DC Super-Villains/Anti-Heroes" episode?
    Or would it be too polarizing, even if done in a goofy, tounge-in-cheek style?
    PS. Just who wouldn't like to cast Lobo as a NHL player?

  11. You could loosely say that Darren Helm is Loki, cuz he used to be the bad guy (played for the Red Wings), but now that he's a part of the crew, he leaves it all on the ice to help the team succeed

  12. Cool story about how you guys got together for this show. I couldn't imagine how these videos would be without Shaggy.

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