@Pittsburgh Penguins

DK's Daily Shot of Penguins: No clue, just no clue

I’ve got no clue about what’s happening here, just none … maybe you do.

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  1. I havent been able to watch the Pens since I moved to TN. Listening to you all this time, sounds like I should be grateful I dont get to watch them.

  2. And the fact that you can’t even ask Sullivan about it without getting your head bitten off is just insane. Geez I wonder how John tortorella would handle all of this🤔 lol

  3. “This isn’t soccer.” Lol. I’ve figured it out: Daily shot of the Mon RiverHounds. Only playoff winner in town this decade.

  4. Before even listening to your shot DK, one thing has to be addressed. The penguins this year have to be the most undisciplined puck movers I've ever seen from them. Letang, Malkin, so many guys just forcing passes, giving it away, and getting thrown way out of position. It's infuriating to watch how many passes just go wide and onto the oppositions sticks.

  5. Do you think that this management team will actually move on from Dumoulin this summer? I seriously fear that they won’t if the front office remains as it is.

    Letting Dumo walk, trading Petry and buying out Carter (if they can) would be a good start at attempting to re-construct this roster. Add in the possibility of a cap increase for next season and the Jack Johnson disaster being reduced to under a million, there may be hope for next year. Dare I ask, is any of this possible?

  6. As hard as I try, I cannot find a reason for the madness in management's method for how they are handling this year's team. Seems like management are committing career suicide. Who would hire Heckstall, Burke or Sullivan after they are finished in Pittsburgh? I can't see how any of them can defend themselves in future job interviews.

  7. Kreider threw Dumelin around like a rag doll on the GW. He's so overmatched in every game it isn't even funny while Sully is over the moon on him.Add the Carter fiasco, the answer is clear. Fire Hextall and Sullivan before they ruin the chances for the Pens to rebuild to quote Sullivan "the right way".

  8. Ultimately this falls on the owners. They’ve created a culture of not paying attention to what’s going on here. Hextall/Burke > Sullivan > Crosby > players. Difficult decisions win championships. Admitting mistakes and correcting them. Cutting a player that’s helped you win in the past. DK please make your article available to everyone. What great insight on the goal differentials. We all need to share this story enough that FSG notices. I think that’s our only way out from under Hextall.

  9. I look for big changes this off-season. New ownership will not accept the current state of affairs.

  10. You know DK, this may sound like a cop out but maybe there is just no answer. Maybe this season we will never know. I can tell you this team isn’t gonna win the cup. And isn’t that all that really matters.

  11. I said the same thing about the Carter/Joseph play right when it happened. It wasn't Joseph's fault. All Carter.

  12. The pens are soft, undersized and there's just to many older veterans!
    Since 2015 the team just kept shrinking. The league figured out Mike Sullivan by 2018. He still sticks with his little speedy guys. Every team that is legit has at least a physical defenseman and a forward that plays in your face style of hockey! It just sucks to see the team at a dead-end, and the stars are fading away!

  13. You are so bent on pushing your narrative that you are overlooking what happened. P.O. asked for the puck and Kreider slew footed Dumo. No penalties on New York, that's the story.

  14. I think this is mostly a severe underperformance of 1/2 the Defense. Especially #8. If you have a defensive defenseman out there he should be able to play some defense. #8 can not. He has trouble staying upright even when he isnt hit, and when he is hit he is real easy to knock over. When he acquires the puck aka it happens to come to him, he promptly gives it to the other team. The reality is Joseph and the Dragon are not much better…thats 1/2 of the defense…Not being able to clear the crease also makes it very hard on the goalies. This is even more evident when the playoffs come around. I think the Pens will get in again, but who amongst us thinks we can get out of the 1st round with this D?

  15. Go ahead disagree but the playoffs streak needs to end this season. Missing the playoffs is the ONLY CHANCE this organization has to making legit real tangible changes to this roster & front office🤬🤮🤦‍♂️💩

  16. This team is the definition of insanity. They keep doing the same thing expecting different results. I have penguin’s fatigue at this point…

  17. It's clear where the problems are. If Ron and Sully want to fix this, the solution is there. Carter is a cancer to whatever line he has been on this year. You're right, Dumo has been disastrous as well. In this era, it has taken about 95 points to get in the playoffs. They have 14 games to amass 17 points. Depending on what Pens team shows up, it's tenuous at best. And that just gets them in the game. They have even less of a chance to do anything once there.

    So where does the fan go to find joy in this team? Right now, there's hardly any joy in watching this group. I facepalm numerous times each moment that I'm watching the half efforts and 45 minute games the Pens currently play. I'll admit, I'm an addict. I've been hooked on this team since elementary school. Where is the joy found now? It is found in the fact that we still have Sid, a guy who defiantly is gunning for a 100 point season. That's incredible at his age. It's found in watching 58 blast an OT winner into the net. It's found in seeing the black and gold out there.

    Will they make the playoffs? It's tough to say, given that the teams chasing them have really had the Pens number over the years. As a 14 year old kid I watched in horror the OT Volek debacle. I watched the rats rain down in Sunrise. Those are the ghosts that are chasing us right now. If the team leadership doesn't put the team (not the individuals) first by giving us an accountable roster, then the amazing things we are seeing from the stars won't matter at all.

    I'll remain hopeful that we'll have a miraculous spring. Fool me a million times, shame on me.

  18. Sullivan reminds me of Elmer Fudd. That short where Fudd shoves the barrel of his gun into a rabbit hole, and the end comes out of another hole directly behind him, then he shoots himself in the butt. Watching the Pens is that scene on an endless loop.

  19. DK, I remember during your PG Bucs beat you mentioned something about the frustration of trying to explain the inexplicable. Well, here we are again.

  20. I have been saying this all year. I have even been shouting it at the game against the Ducks and both games I went to in Pittsburgh last weekend. SMART PASSING!!!! This team can't pass smartly.

  21. For as long as I can remember I've watched nearly every single Pens game I could until this season, its too frustrating watching management tank Crosby and Malkin's season

  22. It's insane to watch the difference between the teams on offense. Pitt brings it down and there is a guy on every Pens player, a guy in every passing lane. NY brings it down and guys are WIDE open, passes are perfect stick to stick, guys are left alone in front of the net, sometimes two of them. Two guys standing in front of Jarry waiting for a puck is just laughable.

  23. It almost looks like Carter is just done. I'm sure he's frustrated with himself but I don't think I've ever seen him so quiet, so disconnected from the rest of the team. He's just a body out there off & on and his effort is at a 1. No way, there is no chance you lose that much one year to the next unless a big part of it is also mental.

  24. Dk I'm sure you are 100 percent right, there just not what the team needs. I think they need to change how their playing or go sit down. The numbers don't lie. Thanks DK for all you do

  25. I cant stand the rags
    I hate that team.
    The coachs they get, the players.
    They're dirty, cheap and benefit from unbelievable luck.
    So tired of seeing that shit team.

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