@National Hockey League

Reimer skips Pride Night

Reimer skips Pride Night

by info-warz


  1. Hans_Schultz75

    Good. I’m tired of this being shoved down my throat. No pun intended 😂

  2. GrayRoberts

    Hockey is for everyone. Except it’s not. It makes me sad.

  3. JumboThornton

    Welp. Thought he seemed like a good guy. Hope we don’t resign him now.

  4. Mr_Sausage__

    So if it’s normal warmup day he participates but because it’s pride night he won’t?

  5. M888887777

    I just think it’s silly, just wear a jersey for 20 min and move on

  6. undercircumsized

    for what its worth (and nobody can even attempt to argue this) the NHL is literally the only sports league in the world that holds players accountable.

    Deangelo gets boo’d everywhere he goes, and his rapsheet looks like afterschool detention compared to athletes from other sports

  7. realtallwarrior

    He has his opinions and you have yours…let it go and move on. If u don’t like it then don’t support’s that simple.

  8. Nobody in the LGBTQ+ community cares what the NHL does. This is so irrelevant to their cause there is no point in commenting on it.

  9. ChesterCheevo

    As a Sharks fan, this pisses me off. I hope he starts tonight and gets lit up by the Islanders.

  10. Comment section is as expected. Grow up, you troglodytes.

  11. Mission_Cause368

    Imagine if this was for a military service night.

  12. michealgaribaldi

    Thank you James for outing yourself as a bigot and a homophone and hiding behind your religion like the coward you are.

  13. Captobvious75

    So whats his position? People say it doesn’t matter but as a fellow human- how much does he look down upon another group of peaceful humans?

  14. Skylink56

    He’s from Morweena, MB. They’re real Mennonite from around there.

  15. michealgaribaldi

    “I have no hate in my heart but a fictional book supposedly written 2000 years ago that has been written and rewritten countless times tells me that gays = bad”

  16. BreadMancbj

    He has every right to. Nhl needs to quit putting their players in situations like this . They are hockey players .

  17. The problem I have with these sorts of things is that so many people fall back on pride nights and similar things as their only show of support. Wear the jersey. Don’t wear the jersey. Really doesn’t make a huge difference if you don’t actually DO anything. Donate money or go volunteer somewhere. Doing nothing and just “wearing the jersey” so to speak just allows organizations to use pride as a PR stunt, and allows lots of people to just appear to be on the right side without lifting a finger. Kinda like skating around for 60 mins instead of playing hockey. We hate that, right?

    Oh and Reimer’s further comments on the situation are very respectful.

  18. CitizenKane4

    Non-story. Nobody should give a shit about a man’s choice.

  19. Bicycle7854

    As somebody part of the LGBT community I wouldn’t skate on asshole night so I think that makes him and I even 😂

  20. ChesterCheevo

    BREAKING: James Reimer didn’t read the entire Bible, and also believes Jesus was white.

  21. Jrkrey92

    People need to get educated and join the rest of us in 2023… There shouldn’t be a need for these nights, we should all be equal. These damn comments are the reason we still NEED pride celebrations to spread awareness and acceptance. Reimer is just one of the many who need their spotlight put upon them. It’s genuinely NOT OK to site “religious beliefs” as a reason to not support equal human f****in’ rights for ALL. A gay man being his equal and being treated as such should be far more important that a fairytale your old man told you!

  22. WhaleyWino235

    I may get downvoted, but this doesn’t stop the progress of the LGBTQ+ community. Also the dude has a choice, and chose not to wear it.
    This is a nothing burger.

  23. bluemountaindrew

    What the hell. What’s with all the shitty nhl players.

  24. Days_of_Static

    Let him do whatever he wants. If he wants to play without warmup reps that’s his choice, and he’s making a conscious decision where he knows he’s going to get internet backlash.

    It doesn’t advance social change by pretending to be shocked that some players still hold very traditional values and then shaming them for it. You changes minds through positive exposure, not manufactured outrage.

  25. SirJamesMonster

    “GaY pEoPle ScArE Meeee…waaaaaah”

  26. dwstupidity

    It’s funny that the people that don’t give a flying shit are the majority of the LGBTQ+ community. Let it go for fuck sakes.

  27. Unhappy_Quarter154

    Listen y’all.

    As a gay dude in SF, San Jose is a super LGBT friendly city.

    The Sharks have special nights all year.

    Lunar New Year, South Asian Night, Women’s History Night, the list goes on and on and on.

    Every night features artwork and merch from local artists. It’s a big deal.

    With that said, where were the misogynists on Women’s night? Where were the Xenophobes on Lunar New Year?

    Why is this ok to speak out about but nothing else is?

    Again, I’m a gay dude. But I’ve never asked for any attention, and especially never as much as a hockey player making a headline about not supporting a major part of the fan base.

    Heck, I moved from Ohio after college because I was threatened by bigot coworkers. It sucks to be born one way, and those religious assholes who preach “love” chase you out of your own hometown.

    And now I’m a sharks fan and our shit ass goalie needs a spotlight. Of course

  28. nory2364

    I don’t really care, I just watch the hockey.

  29. mickeykovak

    Proud of him for standing against the sjw mob

  30. mrfunderhill

    That’s a pretty salty move for a dude who showers with 29 other dudes.

  31. Jasonrusso77

    Are people only allowed to their beliefs if it’s super woke and super LGBT

  32. Exciting-Rub-6006

    He can if he wants

    I can boo him if I want

    The rock we all live on will keep rotating in space

  33. PrometheusAborted

    Not sure I really understand having random pride nights (forgive me if this is some sort of holiday that I didn’t know about) in the NHL. Although I support the whole pride movement, it still seems rather pointless to have a celebration in the middle of March Madness. I mean, outside of the fans of the two teams, are people really tuning in to this? I doubt it. Whatever.

    All that being said, Reimer is an idiot for “taking a stand” with this of all things. If the dude just rolls with it and doesn’t speak out, no one would know or care. Instead, he’s forever going to be deemed as anti-LGBTQ. Which ironically enough, will generate a ton of hate in his direction. The NHL wants to show their support for the Pride community but only makes headlines when dumb dumbs like this decide they want attention. What a world we live in.

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