@Toronto Maple Leafs

LFR16 – Game 69 – Belong – Maple Leafs 5, Senators 4 (SO)

Steve Dangle recaps and analyzes Game 69 of the Toronto Maple Leafs season against the Ottawa Senators. Highlights include Matt Murray facing over 50 shots and an 9-round shootout!


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  1. If Reimer wears a rainbow sweater and the invisible sky wizard finds out about it, then Reimer won't be allowed to stay in the sky wizard's magic happy place when he dies. This is the brainwashing we're dealing with here.

  2. Don't really comment all that much, but felt I needed to add some positivity where I could. Very difficult subject to tackle with a lot of moral grey zones. I deeply respect that you felt you needed say something on the issue despite maybe not having all the perfect words. I think your message of inclusion is hear loud and clear. Bonus points for keeping it upbeat with putting the lfr first. Long time viewer, first time commenter (I think) just wanting to give props. Thanks.

  3. Stick to hockey, why do the gay community insist we accept them, stop forcing this shit down people's throats, good way to lose followers Steve

  4. My 2 cents James not wanting to wear the jersey because of Religion is a cop out cause he can't even back it up with why. I'm Catholic and I would still wear a pride jersey. Stop bringing Religion into your decision



  6. We talk about inclusion in hockey all the time. Sexual orientation and colour. But I have one question. Fans in Carolina gave the team criticism for letting Bear use his native language on his jersey. So I ask, what's the difference? That's way worse than saying I won't wear a pride jersey.

  7. I am very sad to hear your comments about James Reimer. You have been a big fan of his and his personality for years as have I. Some people have a poor understanding about Christianity and what the Bible teaches and I am upset that you twisted James' explanation the same way people twist the Bible truths. There is a big difference between loving and accepting people and being "Forced" to "endorse" someone's lifestyle that is against your beliefs. Homosexuality is not a "born with" symptom but it can be an addiction. Like gambling some people do it, some people disagree with it, some people can be addicted to it but you're not going to make your friend who doesn't gamble participate in it. Your friend who doesn't gamble or drink even might come and hang out with you and would probably be the nice guy to drive you home when you're drunk and broke but don't try and force them to drink or gamble with you. And don't try and force people who don't believe in your personal lifestyle choice to endorse or flaunt it for you. Guys like James Reimer and Campbell are the nicest guys because of how they were raised and what they believe in. Don't try and make them go against that and respect their decision. You would have been better not to say anything at all or simply that it's his choice.
    Long time fan and supporter (loved your book btw) and will continue to be even when our opinions differ especially on things that are distractions from the game we love.

  8. Ive Never disagreed or dislike anything Steve has said but after I watched today I have a hard time not to! You were allowed to do what you want and say who you are! I am not discriminating against anyone but you c have your own opinions and your own religious beliefs and that shouldn’t impact other lives

  9. The Bible clearly states, that it's an abomination for a man to sleep with a man as you would a women and vice-versa. It's not the person, it's the sin. You actually don't believe he has a right to his beliefs. When you meet God, you will know why. You don't believe and so your sins won't be forgiven unless you repent. Christians are mocked, killed, persecuted, ridiculed and we don't force our beliefs on anyone. Where is Christian month? Where is Christian day? I've lost friends and family, been laughed at for my beliefs by the same community that you just mentioned and I still love everyone and pray they find the one who died a horrible death for their sins. Stick to hockey Steve.

  10. Hey steve can you do a full Lfr with elmo’s voice next time? Cheers love the show.

  11. Such an overreaction to Reimer not wearing a rainbow jersey. So what if he doesn't want to wear it? It's simply not something that he wants to promote based on his beliefs and people should accept that and move on without crying. The 30 other players wore the jersey why is it that the one guy that chose not to gets all the attention and hate? Reimer never spread any hate he just doesn't want to promote it and that's it.

  12. Really disappointed in you Steve. If you're that pressed bc someone didn't wear a rainbow jersey you need to get a grip on reality. There's actual important events going on in the world that actually deserve being brought to light. This isn't one of them

  13. We're in a world we're peoples faith and religion can't be a thing we must be loving and embrace lghtv being stuffed down our throat sorry won't conform to this liberal ideology! God made 2 genders male & female and God said praise me and only me and said man should be with woman ! The western world is sickening they want us to break our core values and beliefs. Be you whichever way you are but if your part of that community it's ok enjoy it be yourself but I don't like the pushing and forcing of lgbtq on us

  14. Who? Who doesn't want to wear ze ribbon?! The ludicrous seinfeld bit has become reality in clown world

  15. Steve, when did Reimer say he thought the LGBT’s where evil? I think you owe this man an apology. You slandered him.

  16. Why are we forcing players to wear a jersey that goes against their religious. Like you people are sick. Steve let it go dude, who cares, let the guy be himself.

  17. As an openly gay, married woman myself, I have faced (thankfully not too much) of what you were talking about on this video. Not being included, simply because I happen to love another woman, being told I'm in the wrong restroom (and not just by seniors, by people my own age), THIS!!!! is why wearing a Pride jersey, is so important. That's all people like me want, is to feel included. So thanks, Steve, you made me cry at the end of your video.

  18. The Reimer thing is complicated. It’s kind of like Tom cruise. That guy can act and EVERYONE has seen or will see a movie with him in it and probably like it. But that guy has some beliefs I’m pretty sure most people would not agree with for a variety of reasons. Similar situation and it’s just unfortunate that Reimers don’t seem to allow him to support a movement that is worth supporting

  19. Steve Dangle, "Hate comes in a variety of forms."
    That statement alone is as deceptive as a person who stabs another in the back, then points at the very person stabbed and blames them for the stabbing.

    Steve, unfortunately is part of the NEW "WOKE" generation. This Marxist ideology is Satanic in its root and core.

    Most of the people are asleep and have no idea that this leftist activism is then followed up with fascists that try to keep people inside of an echo chamber. Enter Steve Dangle…

    Trying to force, intimidate, demean others for their choices so that they stay in line with the Globalist Agenda is a form of FASCISM.

    Think of the alternative.
    Your mind is warped into believing these people "are who they are" and don't realize they are so indoctrinated and use scient-ism as facts and any other view of the said-viewpoint is "wrong"…as Steve has plainly said. Well Steve, despite what you've been told, people are NOT born homosexuals, transgendered with dysphoria and love sex with little boys. All forms of mental illness.

    He almost even called Reimer "a bad person", but stopped short of it.
    I have been literally watching Steve Dangle from the VERY BEGINNING. I remember sending Steve a picture of my son wearing a Leafs jersey.
    LGBTQ+ has tried shoving their politics into people's brains and it won't be long before pedophilia is normalized as well. ( No? Think drag queens in front of kids). This #SABBATEAN movement is Satanic and this LGBTQ movement is to pull people away from the nuclear family of God and strong family structure.
    So, if we believe that this LGBTQ movement is encompassed around:
    1) Satanism
    2) A sick sabbatean and marxist ideology
    3) deception and manipulation
    4) fascism (real fascism…not the fake crap leftist distort the term to be)
    5) cancel culture mental manipulation or forcefully quieting people up
    …then you say…"hey, represent us. Wear this jersey OR ELSE

    The "or else" is never stated. It is inferred.
    Steve said people like me will call bad names and he said, "I just think they're an a–hole". Watch how the left attacks my response with the most echo chamber zombie-like retorts of how people like me are every "ism and phobia" known to man.

  20. Many comments have praised Steve for taking a stand on this issue because of his (Steve’s) beliefs. James Reimer has just done the same thing. Then where are the comments supporting James for upholding his beliefs, even knowing the public backlash (against him personally) that it would cause? He didn’t hypocritically wear the jersey to hide from the oncoming criticism.

    Star players have no-trade clauses because they don’t want to belong to a certain team. Then why object to a man who has gone on public record that ALL belong in hockey, but that he just doesn’t want to play on that team, and so, he doesn’t want to be a hypocrite by putting on that team’s sweater? What would people’s reaction to James be if he played a game wearing a Leaf jersey while playing for the Sharks?

    If you read the Bible carefully, you will see that Jesus loved all people, but didn’t always accept what they were doing. People that believe you must love everyone by doing what they do, need to read the Book more carefully and not cherry pick how to use the words.

    Hopefully, Steve, you will get there one day.

    Thank you, James, for standing up for your beliefs. Honouring God is much more important than honouring man!

  21. James Reimer was avoiding doing something he thought would be offensive to his God.

  22. You are the "ribbon guy" from Seinfeld. Maybe James doesnt support young girls having their breasts removed or being put on testosterone because they said they want to be a boy. It's amazing how virtuous all of you have become over the years. 100% obedience, all the time. Where's Muslim appreciation night?

  23. Your argument of "No True Christian" is fallacious.

    Grabbed this from Toronto Star comment section:
    "that is fine. You have the right to your own beliefs. As does Reimer. The difference? He is not asking you to wear anything that you do not want to wear. Just like you have no right to insist that he place a rainbow flag on his porch in June, he has no right to tell you to attend Sunday School classes at the local church , or receive Holy Communion. Do you get it now ?? It is called TOLERANCE."

    Hope you are rational enough to ponder your thought process.

  24. I come from a somewhat unique perspective on this, and I really appreciated Steve's words about James. Being disappointed in a guy you still think is a good dude sums up how I feel about a lot of the people in my life.

    I grew up in a Catholic family and was pretty conservative for most of my life, meaning I had a similar view to gay rights as James (hate the sin, not the sinner). People with this view don't see it as hate, because we are taught it's a choice or at most a temptation to overcome (like premarital sex).

    I also worked at a Chick-fil-a(if you don't know their rep, Google Chick-fil-a and anti gay) and became friends with a few genuinely really nice people that were both conservative and really caring people that were willing to help friends going through something. While I was working there, one team member started passing out pride stickers for pride month for whomever wanted to wear them (about 60-70% of staff, myself included), which the GM and operator were fine with. This caused friction, because the conservative team members, who were again nice people that I considered friends, made a stink about it. This didn't result in action, but it made it known how they felt about the LGBT community. We had 2 pansexual team members and one asexual team member (one of whom was in the closet, and one of whom was/is my bestfriend), and I saw firsthand how the open rejection of supporting their community seriously hurt the LGBT members on staff. It's not my story, so I feel like I'd be out of line to go into specifics, but suffice to say that a public rejection of who you are and implicit condemnation about an identity you can't change about yourself from someone that you thought was your friend and claims to love and value everyone had really negative effects on the mental health at least 2 of the members.

    For my part, I stayed at the store for another year before leaving for unrelated reasons, but haven't kept in contact with any other the conservative people I mentioned, which really sucks. I used to be really close with a few of them. In my heart of hearts, I don't think they are bad people, but its hard for me to reconcile being friends with some whose outspoken beliefs seriously harm my other friends. I truly believe they don't believe they are homophobic, but they' just don't support the lifestyle' but knowing the effect this has on people in that world, "fuck you f*****" doesn't always hurt as much as "I love and respect you, but homosexuality or being trans is a sin".

    I don't think James is a bad person, but if he truly believes inclusion of LGBT people makes hockey better, he should know that refusing to wear a pride jersey sends the message that LGBT people aren't truly welcomed and appreciated in this space,and for that I'm disappointed. I doubt anyone reads this, especially in full, but it feels good to get it all out there

  25. Steve says: "not everyone gets there right away"

    Please spend some time and review your presuppositions. We can't learn without questioning as many sides as possible of an issue.

  26. Not trying to be rude but Steve by asking where this conflicts with someone's faith that is attacking him for having his faith and practicing it.
    There are many verses in the Bible where it dose speak against homosexual behavior.
    I am not a Christian by any means but I don't ask for a man or woman to prove there faith that is between them and there God.
    My daughter is a pansexual and we support ppl to be what ever they want to be and live who u want but with out telling others the must conform to a new sexuality of the week or gender of the month . It's hard to follow the fluidity of the ever evolving lbgtqia+ community.
    Just an idea could we get a straight ppl night sorry that was a joke but really we don't force or ask anyone to Celebrate that the ones who are straight in this world.

  27. Lol yes, not forcing someone yet attacking them for not doing what you want

  28. Pride night is about more than just homosexuality. Identity politics/intersectionality has become so extreme that even people who are 100% accepting of homosexuality are forced to walk back their support because every inch you give in is thrown back in your face with the next absurd left-wing farce. All people in Canada have the same rights. What we are witnessing now is revenge and they should not be surprised when they find previous supporters getting fed up with the ridiculousness and turning their backs on the entire community. Many gay people are skeptical of the pride movement which has become a political tool used to further an agenda of victimhood in order to promote socialist policies.

  29. As a trans person who is very dissapointed in Reimer's statement, I will say at least as of right now he isn't like JK Rowling or Franklin Grahm at least. If he uses this as a launch point to be an anti-LGBT social media influencer than we might be having a different conversation. I am thinking about persuing being on the ice shovel crew for during commercial breaks in the future because I hear it pays well and you get to watch the game for free but I have had hesitation over what would be said about a trans woman working for a top of the line men's sports league. For every Rimer, there are players like the Van Reimsdyke brothers (who both made very inclusive statements, just from the thread I saw on twitter) that give me optomism that it is something worth persuing.

  30. The thing I find sad about this pride night bs is that grown men are too insecure to wear a shirt with a rainbow on it…

  31. Like many others in Leafs Nation, I relate to your disappointment/heart-break w/ this James Reimer situation. The most starstruck I've been was meeting James during Fan Expo years ago just because of how much I admired him and his humble nature. I don't think it makes him a bad person, but I hope he felt the contradictory in his message while crafting it. Like you said, not everyone gets there right away. I didn't know how helpful it would be to hear you speak so openly about how his words shook you up. One of the things that brought me to your channel to begin with was our mutual respect and admiration for James Reimer. He served as a great role model during his time in Toronto, and that doesn't need to change. Could I still recognize his impact on me years back, of course. Do I feel like he could be a role model of my future… sad to say no.

  32. thank you steve for your wonderfully worded take on james reimer, and massive respect to logan couture for his statement

  33. What about the right of Reimer? Why is LGBTQ is rammed down our throat? They have just as much right as Reimer to express his belief. This is going too far.

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