@Nashville Predators

Jersey designs from an instagram artist. What do y’all think? Artist account is in the pictures

Jersey designs from an instagram artist. What do y’all think? Artist account is in the pictures

by Hockey_74JS


  1. SquirrellyNuckFutter

    Love the winter classic logo, but I’d invert the navy and gold on the home uniform, and go w/ the winter classic script on the away, maybe w/ a reduced size logo as a shoulder patch.

  2. KaleidoscopeOk1346

    I would love nothing more than to have this winter classic logo on everything.
    This logo with mustard cat yellow trim and silver accents.

    Wouldn’t mind getting rid of the guitar pick though.

  3. TwinTowersJenga

    I really like the winter classic logo, and honestly wish it was the primary.

  4. Music_City_Madman

    3 is my favorite, but I love the white Winter Classic too.

    I think we should have a blue third/alternate jersey, no question. It’s our history, and we spent 12 years or so playing in predominantly blue.

    I hate the tri-star and I’m tired of looking at it. It’s so cliche, overused (seriously, the Sounds and Titans use it too) and the Preds tend to draw fans from other Southern states (Northern AL, former Thrashers’ fans in GA, KY) so I don’t like that being a big part of our identity.

  5. Ready-steady

    The skull logo kit demands the yellow gloves. They’d work so well with the sleeves.

  6. Lord_Naitsabes

    I will admit i am a fan of the navy home design, but something about the gold we currently use stands out so well.

    It’s always easy to find other Preds fans at an away game. Plus the way Bridgestone turns from a bunch of navy seats, into a SEA of gold at game time is really eye catching.

  7. jdubya26

    Love the updated logo, partial to the gold but there’s some good changes here for sure!

  8. HolySuffering

    I’d rock the hell out of the skull jersey. We wanted to get the retro with the skulls on the shoulder but we can’t stand that old logo lol or at least didn’t want to pay 100s for it

  9. Full_Wolf4301

    Just love that the tri-star-logo is done correctly! Love them all tbh!

  10. The_Stank__

    No more blue. We stand out in a stadium with our gold and there’s already too much blue in the NHL.

  11. undefined_one

    This is a no from me. This logo looks like it would be more at home as a high school mascot. I think it’s the whiskers… maybe the tongue… definitely the lack of pointed fangs, as well as how rounded the head is. It’s just not our logo. And we need more of the gold.

    Edit: yes, I know it’s the WC look but I hate it.

  12. wdengineer

    Would love to see more navy as depicted here.

  13. mustangwwii

    Can we **please** *never* change our primary home jersey color away from gold? Keep Navy to an ALTERNATE.

    I’m so tired of everyone pushing to turn us into Generic Blue Hockey Team #24.

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