@San Jose Sharks

Camp Quotes: Ryan Merkley

Check out San Jose Sharks prospect Ryan Merkley in this episode of Camp Quotes


  1. I am glad the Sharks took a chance on this guy. If he didn't have the "attitude problems", he would've been taken earlier in the draft. Those "problems" are BS and I'm glad the team recognizes that can change and he's got so much raw talent.

  2. I really dont get the attitude thing….he is a young man..what 17? give him a break, and Non Draft? Why? This guys seems solid, will mature in due time….so not sure why the issues with his "attitude" seems pretty confident to me..will see…I expect only the best from him and the Sharks.

  3. seems like a chill guy but why is this guy's reputation so bad around the league? no team wants him lol

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