@Colorado Avalanche

[Rawal] It’s pretty rare for Jared Bednar to say something about the officiating, but he didn’t like the call or the explanation on Darren Helm’s extra in the second period. Helm felt the same way.

[Rawal] It’s pretty rare for Jared Bednar to say something about the officiating, but he didn’t like the call or the explanation on Darren Helm’s extra in the second period. Helm felt the same way.

by Rolley2001


  1. Honestly if Bednar is mad at a zebra you know they fucked up

  2. edditorRay

    Not to sound like a Chiefs or Patriots fan, but I feel like the officiating was decidedly against us tonight.

  3. ThePirateCondor

    Yo I was at this game and was so confused by this sequence. Did helm get two penalties at once?? We had another player go to the box at the same time. Didn’t know that could happen. Also, Crosby left the box before helm and after our other player in the box (seemed random). Please someone explain this, I’ve been watching hockey my whole life and I couldn’t understand what happened

  4. Almost as if Pittsburg is about to miss the playoffs for the first time in like two decades, has been on a 4 game losing streak, and needs a jumpstart to their cold power play….

  5. usernamefromhell

    Some of the worst calls I’ve ever seen in a hockey game. Refs have too much power in hockey and need to be held accountable for all the dumb shit they do.

  6. This is the kind of shit that’s annoying – I get that you wanna protect superstars and keep them on the ice but if you’re gonna give Crosby that advantage then give it to MACKINNON too.

  7. GaryOakRobotron

    Of course the refs are several feet up Pittsburgh’s ass. No call on Carter basically decapitating Makar is all the evidence we need to confirm this.

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