@National Hockey League

Staal brothers will no longer participate in LGBT Pride night

Staal brothers will no longer participate in LGBT Pride night

by info-warz


  1. RealKenBurns

    “After seeing other players announce their intolerance, we’ve decided to announce that we too are intolerant”

  2. GoRangers5

    The “Christian” angle is so old hat, if a player came out and said something like “I’m tired of big businesses capitalizing on the struggles of LGBT people…” I could respect that.

  3. neighboringbones

    The kind of sex you have has nothing to do with hockey.

  4. Straight_String3293

    “Easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.”

    Please, tell me about your prayerful refusal to accept such large contracts. Otherwise, stop using my faith to justify your issues with gay people

  5. “We don’t judge others but our religion sure does!”

  6. Acrobatic_Ad_2570

    If you’re going to cherry pick pieces of your religion to excuse your closed mindedness you might as well just blame it on your horoscope

  7. bad_romace_novelist

    So what’s the count so far?

    Russian Orthodox-1


    Dubious Corporate Teams-2

    EDIT 3-24-2023

    Dubious Corporate Teams-3!


  8. GapingFuton

    Agree with the Stalls, keep hockey about 5 handsome muscley men who go out there and shove rubber between another man’s legs … and then celebrate when they’re done by showering naked together …

    Also let’s not forget the focus on ‘finishing’ and ´body checks’ …

    *edit* holy hell … was hockey just invented as a way to turn gay foreplay into a sport ???

  9. Waiting for a non christian to have problems with wearing a jersey. If I learned anything this year is that the main christian belief for hockey players is to not support gay people in any way and hate them because mommy said so.

  10. scottieducati

    “Christian beliefs” is a convenient scapegoat.

  11. darksoles_

    Would love to see a player refuse to participate in veteran night and see the reaction

    Edit: interestingly enough, player’s religious beliefs don’t prevent them from supporting militaries that engage in useless wars that result in the deaths of thousands of innocent lives?? Makes you think

  12. Kgeezy91

    “We carry no judgement on how people choose to live their lives”

    A) This is literally judgement.
    B) It’s not a “lifestyle choice.” You’re opposed to these fans as WHO THEY ARE. End of story.

  13. Neil59er

    Everyone is finally coming out saying they don’t give a shit. Fake feelings this whole time

  14. Pure_Moose

    God doesn’t have anything against Pride nights. Only Christians do.

  15. TyperMcTyperson

    Imagine having a pr generated statement that calls being gay, a choice. Youch.

  16. “Chose to live their life” yeah sure, you chose to be gay

  17. powerplay_22

    just tired of the storyline honestly. you’d never see this happen in any other league

  18. fucktarddabarbarian

    Lol… Like anyone would choose to be gay.

    We don’t support immutable biology because our fake book says gay stuff is dirty.

  19. GreenDragon2023

    If these people are so driven by their ‘sincerely held beliefs’ then maybe they should request to be a healthy scratch and donate that night’s salary-equivalent to a charity.

    You get paid tons of cash to play a GAME, FFS (and one that I love!). Your EMPLOYER want to express a modicum of support for some group, you f’ing do it like an adult. I’m an atheist and if I were in their position and my employer said ‘wear a jersey to support the local [whatever] church organization, I’d zip it and play along. It’s the team’s support—that’s why it’s…get this…at a game.

    The jersey business is simply to bring awareness to an issue or to normalize caring about an issue. It won’t turn you gay, folks…promise. These faux-christians are too much. Clutch your pearls on your own time. Stop trying to beautify your bigotry. Own it like big boys. “Love the sinner, hate the sin”…Please.

  20. DodecatheonNP

    When are the players who make a statement in support of the night going to weigh in? Who will they be?

  21. Jequill_Hyde

    “We carry no judgement on how people choose to live their lives” of course, that’s why you’ve chosen not to support how people choose to live their lives.

  22. vbcbandr

    “We will not speaking any further on this matter.”

    In other words: wE dOn’T wAnT tO bE hUmIlIaTeD wItH qUeStIoNs FrOm PreSs

  23. ll_cOfFeEbUzZ_lP

    How about instead of making a statement about why you aren’t wearing the pride jersey and sounding douchy about it, just don’t do the warm up and keep your mouth shut. The whole making the statement feels too much like “look at me”.

  24. BreadMancbj

    Nhl will scrap this after this season is over , more and more players are refusing .

  25. 14PiecesofFlair

    They are free to do this. I am free to think less of them for doing it. Ain’t freedom great?

  26. cailey001

    Better make sure they don’t play on Sundays then

  27. It’s real easy to pick and choose what you believe from the infallible Word of God and nearly every Christian does. The ones who believe the whole Bible are insane and generally terrible ethically. I wonder if these brave men would care to weigh in on these verses (all from the New Testament to counter those who want to say the Old Testament doesn’t count):

    [1 Timothy 2:12]( – I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.

    [1 Corinthians 14:34–35]( – the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church.

    [Matthew 6:24]( – No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

    [Luke 18:25]( – Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.

    [Matthew 5:32]( – But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

    Oh, and about the idea that Old Testament rules don’t count (which I’m reading a lot in this thread): [Matthew 5:17-18]( – Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

    So the Old Testament counts for as long as there’s a universe, women be quiet and serve men, don’t be wealthy (which these guys definitely are), and divorce is adultery/divorced women are forever to be alone. All straight from the Bible – you can open up your own one at home and read if you don’t believe me. We never hear about brave Christians taking stands on those issues…

  28. _petasaurus_

    Can’t wait to start seeing players sit out on military night too. I wonder how much hate Fox will spew towards the first player to do that.

  29. Veritech_

    Man, I’m so sick of people hiding behind religion to justify their positions. Jesus commanded us to love one another unconditionally (like he did), and the “as a Christian…” bullshit sounds pretty fucking conditional.

    There’s a reason I stopped going to church…

  30. Gotta love how all these guys religious beliefs stop when it comes to lightening their wallets. They’ll skip the pregame skate so their jerseys aren’t auctioned off for LGBTQ+ causes, but have no problem playing in the game despite a portion of arena revenue going to LGBTQ+ charities. Can’t risk losing a game check!

  31. tekazgtr1984

    Fitting that the Panthers got thumped tonight.

  32. RealFrankieBuckets

    I want to see their browser history.

  33. Shammy-Adultman

    So in their own words, they believe that all people should be welcome in the sport.

    The pride jerseys are simply there to communicate that all people are welcome in the sport, regardless of their sexuality.

    So if the jersey goes against your Christian values, so too does their original statement.

    These blokes are obviously too cowardly to express their real beliefs.

  34. RosettaStoned46662

    We don’t cary judgment but….we’re gunna judge you lol

  35. ashadeofblue

    I don’t understand Christians using there beliefs to back their bigotry. If their god even exists he was gay he had a lovers quarrel with Lucifer after all and got so angry he threw his lover out of heaven. Later he used magic to get a woman pregnant not wanting to touch her himself. Even Zeus slept with a few women in his day.

  36. “We feel that by us wearing a pride jersey it goes against our Christian beliefs.”

    So you do carry judgement.

  37. daddydagon

    This statement is from Eric and Marc Staal, yet Jordan is front and center. Why do you have to do Jordo like that? My captain didn’t do shit. He didn’t rig shit. HE DIDN’T FUCKING DO THIS

  38. silvermidnight

    Then they shouldn’t be allowed to play any games on Sunday. No more mixing textiles.

    If you’re gonna pick and choose when your religion applies, you’re not religious, you’re an asshole.

  39. xander_nico

    Usually, I get let go or reprimanded for not wearing a company’s uniform. These dudes are a joke. If your Christian morals make you look like a dick then your version of Christianity sucks.

  40. Lemonlaksen

    We carry no judgement. We just won’t wear the jersey because we believe a book told us to murder gays and cherish the fact that they will be tortured in the afterlife.
    No judgement

  41. IntoTheWild2369

    “Choose to live their lives” like we choose to be this amazing good god

  42. NudesForPrudeDudes

    Asking people to respect your decision to hate is embarrassing.

  43. Coach_Steve_Sports

    Most religions claim they generally follow the Golden Rule: Do unto others as they would do unto you. Love thy neighbor…. and anything similar.

    …Except when your gay, have opposing beliefs to theirs, or just based on your skin color.

    Yet religion is the #1 cause of war and death throughout history.

    Congrats on your “peaceful” beliefs.

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