@Calgary Flames

Stecher speaks for the people

Stecher speaks for the people

by NessGuy95


  1. CaptinDerpI

    Pick up your dogs shit people. It’s annoying to step in

  2. Comfortable-Ad-7158

    Welcome to stecher calgary.

    Dodgin poop piles on the sidewalks and Potholes in the streets.

  3. CrocVision-505

    I swear every time the snow melts the site and smell of dog poop is got to be one of the worst things I have experienced, and I walked around downtown Edmonton multiple times

  4. Rulebreaker15

    The city should do a PSA video where after a person/actor walks away without picking up the poo, Stecher skates in from nowhere and checks them hard right into it. Then chirps them. “I told you to pick up your poop Karen.” Lol.

  5. tristan1616

    Maybe that’s why he always looks Iike he’s plotting an evil scheme. Man’s stepped on too many chocolate landmines

  6. JohnnyTestical

    The worst is when I find dog poop bags with poop in it on the ground. Like, you went through the effort to bag it up, why not just throw it out? Just creating even more litter than just leaving the poo.

  7. DriftingThroughLife1

    144th in NW is absolutely disgusting.

  8. Var_horsebox

    I’ll keep shitting on his lawn till they make the playoffs.

  9. friendsofrhomb1

    In Australia we have an app called ‘snap send solve’ the councils use it for things like graffiti, illegally parked cars etc. It works well. Calgary should implement something similar. Take a photo of the asshole not picking up the shit and hit em with an outrageous fine, like 500 bucks

  10. Memey-Maliky

    They’re annoying unless you’re hungry 🙂

  11. CJ_Boiss

    Keep in mind that Calgary has an *enormous* coyote population in virtually every part of the city, and their poop like almost identical to that of dogs.

    There’s definitely a problem with dog owners not cleaning up after their dogs, but that’s not always where it’s coming from.

  12. DarkLordKefka

    It’s just laziness to not clean up after your dogs.

  13. CostcoTPisBest

    Also applies to the

    “I’ll greenbag it up and leave it there so I can pick it up *later*” crowd.

  14. Affectionate-Depth66

    Not all heroes wear flames jerseys.

  15. huuuuuyeah

    I think it’s hilarious that his face on that bg photo looks like he just sniffed dog shit

  16. VictorHelios1

    So I’m guessing he steched in someone’s dogs left poo and got his stechers all dirty?


    I’m here all week! Try the ribs, they’re horrible.

    But seriously, yea.

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