@Winnipeg Jets

Blues' Torey Krug misconduct penalty after fight with Jets' Kevin Stenlund

The St. Louis Blues’ Torey Krug and the Winnipeg Jets’ Kevin Stenlund are involved in a skirmish 13:24 into the first period, 3/19/23. Both receive roughing penalties. But Krug also receives a misconduct penalty and he’s very unhappy about it.
This video belongs to the NHL.


  1. Hit isn't even an issue to get upset about, it was on the Blue's player who skated in thoughtlessly and put them both in danger (other player has no chance to avoid contact without being driven dangerously into the boards so uses their shoulder to defend themselves, avoids head, and doesn't act dangerously when the blue's player spins under him). Roughing 1 was the fight. Roughing 2 was punching after the officials were there (players should know to stop when they are separating and it's on the ice, that was stupid). Extra 2 for arguing it repeatedly as if he didn't know better. 10 for being a dumb-bell and hacking the gate in the box (unsportsmanlike game misconduct WILL ALWAYS be called when you dislodge the box, or temporarily move it and make it a potential disruption to skaters on the ice, from aggression inside the box or if you act in a manner that could have the other people in the box *for example, slamming your stick around such that it could break*). In this case, the box moving and the dangerous action both apply. Roughing 1 the other way for the fight.

    Breakdown for anyone who doesn't understand the why of what happened.

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