@Montreal Canadiens

Press Conference Review – March 27, 2023 Post Game Edition

**Players Segment:**

[Emrith] [Nick Suzuki on Michael Pezzetta’s shootout winner: “good to see him score, the celly was unexpected but the boys got a good laugh out of it.”](

[Emrith] [Nick Suzuki on Michael Pezzetta’s celly: “he must have been planning it; obviously he knew he was going to score! Pretty funny the celebration – I’ve never seen that before.”](

[Emrith] [Michael Pezzetta says when it started getting deep in the shootout rounds, he felt like he’d get an opportunity because the coaches know he had that move in his repertoire.](

[Emrith] [Michael Pezzetta on his shootout winner celly: “it definitely was a tribute to Tiger Williams but I think I was like ‘heck, I might never get a chance where if I score it’s to win the game!’ Maybe it was a little bit much but it’s funny and I’ll definitely remember it.”](

[Emrith] [Michael Pezzetta says it was the first time he did that Tiger Williams celebration – he’s never even practiced it before.](

[Emrith] [Brendan Gallagher when asked if he was more surprised by Michael Pezzetta’s shootout winner or his celly: “the celebration – I’m not sure we’ll see that again, that was one-of-a-kind”](

[Emrith] [Brendan Gallagher on if he would attempt a celly similar to Michael Pezzetta’s: “I’d be worried about falling over” he laughed.](

**St-Louis Segment:**

[Emrith] [Martin St-Louis confirms Cayden Primeau will get the start tomorrow night vs. [Flyers]](

**Habby Notes:**

[Basu] [Jake Allen was asked on the 32 thoughts podcast recently if there’s a guy in the league who has his number. He asked if he could name a guy on his own team. He said it was Pezzetta.](

[Another angle of Pezzetta’s celly (Picture)](

**Full Presser (Video Links):**

[Players’ Segment](

[St-Louis Segment](

by pengupenguPENGU


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