@Montreal Canadiens

Drouin Watched the Entire Game

OK Guys, it’s time to take a look at the Jonathan Drouin situation in Montreal right now. The Habs lost their game last night against the Tampa Bay Lightning, and while Drouin was dressed to play, he would WATCH the Entire game! He did not play a single shift. A controversial decision by head coach Marty St Louis? Lets discuss.

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  1. The team comes first ,jo has had too many chances. He makes too much money and needs to grow up and be an adult

  2. Marty ain't the right coach for the habs. Yeah he was fresh blood for the habs last year, but it ain't saying much. The Habs will not, I emphasis will NOT win the cup with a francophone coach. The team is complete burning shit barn.

  3. Really, who cares? He's gone at the end of the season there's no way the Habs should even think about re-signing him.

  4. As a Lightning fan (the team that drafted him) the thing that I'll always associate with Drouin is that he got injured on his ELC and when he came back was asked to report to the AHL, for what was probably more a conditioning stint than a development decision–in an organization that thrives on developing players. And he REFUSED to go & had his agent asking for a trade. A basic, routine ask of any player, but his ego spiraled it into a situation where he would be shipped out, monkey-wrench his own development, fail at playing out of position, and crash his career. I almost feel bad for him now because he's dealing with mental health & stress issues, but it's really tough to forget that episode. Marty knows all of this and it's certainly a part of his decision to be tough.

  5. The other 30 guys were on time, I think itโ€™s buying into building a group that would do anything for his teammate, buy into this team or ride the pine. 2 minutes late is too late

  6. never was a good player….playing in the worst run organization in the world. they refuse to tank for bedard. trading pk was the downfall. good.

  7. he is clearly having off ice issues. having taken time off for personal reasons (mental health??). and now being late for a meeting (organised individuals are on time or early, espescially if you are part of the leadership group) sounds like hes having difficulties in his personal life…I hope he gets it together, hes such a talented player. Is the team assissting him off ice? Dint all major teams now have a sports psychologist on staff?

  8. If they were smart they'd find a reason to "bench" all the other top liners too.

  9. Drouin had so many chances to prove himself he's been in Montreal for 5 years and hasn't reached not even close to his full potential yes he had injuries and personal problems and felt bad he gone through that but it's time for habs to move and he should move on.

  10. good job marty,no f*** around here! You too good job Junkie(best habs insider)๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

  11. Their adults playing for the top hockey league in North America! They know they canโ€™t get away with stuff like this. There has to be a reason why he was late. Someone should put the coach behind the bench but let the assistant coach take his job for one game to let St. Louis feel what that guy was feeling when he couldnโ€™t do his job. Iโ€™m a Leafs fan i donโ€™t know why Iโ€™m even writing this

  12. I think it was more a message to all the young players, Drouin wonโ€™t come back, itโ€™s a losing season, now you set an example for the youngsters.

  13. Great video Junkie for me no surprises other than I ld love to see them do that the rest of the season . Time to flush the toilet clear out the ๐Ÿ’ฉ

  14. If the coached intension was to sit him throughout the whole game, why dress him at all. HEALTHY SCRATCH!!

  15. In the NHL very team has their in- house set of rules. Players have to be in the arena before practice usually 30 minutes or so. Most players are there at least an hour before practice. For games itโ€™s a minimum of 2 hours. But, all this on time stuff started well before their junior days. It happened to my son in junior where he slept in for a game day skate and he simply didnโ€™t play that evening. As a rule, hockey players are never, ever late. Even girls hockey.

  16. Martin St Louis didn't go too far with this. As you said, they were short skaters, so he was forced to have Drouin there on the bench. I'm sure Jonathan would have been a scratch otherwise. The Habs are trying to rebuild a team with these young players and if the Habs would have given Drouin a pass, what message would they have been sending to their younger players?

  17. I just hope Jo Jo resumes a career! some where>>> he's a victime of this Franco centered bias thats crippled this franchise>>> he cd be as effective as McKinnon…but…?? !

  18. does everybody know who Steve Yzerman is ? Then you know why Stevie Y got rid of drouin as fast as he could.
    To the amazement of the hockey world Stevie Y actualy found an idiot stupid enough to offer something > anythng > in trade for drouin … SERGACHEV !! Syevie Y traded his leaky useless D I N G Y for Canadiens Nuclear AIRCRAFT CARRIER ….. ONLY ONE PERSON IN THE ENTIRE NHL WOULD TAKE DROUIN ….
    NOW DROUIN SUCKS THE LIFE OUT OF THE TEAM …. should have sat the slacker in the stands .
    Drouin has just 15 games left to soil wearing # 27 … should have had drouin wear # 0 0
    …………… good by BUM

  19. Itโ€™s about time someone benched that candyass! A strong message has been sent to the team, and I for one am happy with how embarrassed JD must have been!

  20. I heard that Drouin was responsible for bringing the poutine to the team meeting. And not only was he a few minutes late but the poutine didn't contain the 'real' cheese curds. That is one sure way to piss off a Frenchman.

  21. Looks like Drouin played over 15 mins and scored a goal in this game… Or am I missing something? ๐Ÿ˜€

  22. Ya he did so what he does that every game god I can't wait untill that unless POS is gone. I wouldn't even want him back at league min. As a matter a fact I wouldn't want him on the team if he paid them. He let a lot of people down. Like every single fan who was excited about him and forgave his his acting like a baby when he was on Tampa. Get lost I say.

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